Being A Mother And Studying At The Same Time

Mothers always look for the best for their family. For this reason, many decide that the correct path is to return to school, an option full of sacrifices and rewarding rewards.
Being a mother and studying at the same time

When they play a role, women do it with all their will, they are entrepreneurs and never give up in the face of adversity. An example of this attitude is making the decision to be a mother and study at the same time. It is not easy at all, but it can be achieved with a lot of effort and sacrifice.

Many mothers find it necessary to share the attention they give to the little one in the house with their desire for self-improvement, which implies raising their educational level. These plans may have been postponed due to pregnancy or may emerge at the time ; in any case, bringing both roles together is a daunting task.

When making the decision to be a mother and study at the same time, one of the issues that will motivate you to reach the goal is knowing that, by obtaining a university degree, postgraduate degree or whatever degree, you contribute to a better future for the family. The chances of finding a much better paying job or starting our own business thanks to the preparation obtained will be much greater.

In this new path, the most important thing is to be well centered. Choose a flexible curriculum that we can meet; Together with it, you have to design a schedule of activities that involves studies and motherhood in which neither of the two plans is harmed. With a good distribution of time and discipline, the chances of success increase.

Filling yourself with positive thoughts and energies to travel this arduous path is essential. Unfortunately,  there will be no shortage of people with negative attitudes and comments that question your abilities. Concentrate on the goal you have set for yourself and ignore any external agents that want to blur you.

What do you have to do to be a mother and study at the same time?

Thorough and disciplined organization will be the key to everything. Therefore, we must put in place a complete plan so that nothing goes out of its lane. Many times, fatigue will overcome, children will cry too much and despair for small situations out of control could affect.

Being a mother and studying requires a lot of planning.

However, it  is normal when we are ambitious and set important goals for ourselves. To make this duality of responsibilities a little easier, we recommend that you follow these steps that we will discuss below. You will realize that if you want … you can!

Good organization and discipline to be a mother and study at the same time

To be a mother and study at the same time, it is best to organize the hours that will be invested in a study plan. These should be in contrast to the care of the children at home. The most convenient option is to take advantage of the time lapses in which children are in school.  If you have little ones who are not yet of school age, the option of daycare or a babysitter for some period of the day might be considered.

If we do not want to leave our children in a nursery or in charge of a babysitter, we must discipline them on strict schedules for their activities. By this, we mean eating, napping and bath time, among others. Thus, based on this, we will know what spaces of the day we can dedicate to study without possible interruptions.

Currently,  we can study without problems from home, since there are many options through the internet. In the case of being a mother and studying at the same time, this is an excellent tool. By studying remotely, the time you can spend moving to a place can be used for something else, such as doing a reading or answering any assignment.

When feeling overwhelmed: breathe and pause

So many responsibilities can overwhelm the mother, given the pressure of multiple factors in her new rhythm of life. That is why it is best to be honest and set goals that can be achieved.  We should not burden ourselves with courses to study from the beginning; taking one or two to start is more than enough. From the first experience, it will be necessary to measure our capacities and decide if we can with more or, on the contrary, we must reduce the load.

Likewise, it is necessary to look for full moments of rest to be able to recharge. Health collapses due to fatigue should be avoided; good nutrition will also help you stay active. Remember that it is of the utmost importance to take care of the body and mind so that willpower does not diminish.

Good predisposition to be a mother and study at the same time

To achieve any goal in life, effort and sacrifice is always necessary. Given this, the good will will make the difference. Studying will take up a lot of time, so we must be aware that we will have fewer recreational activities such as trips to parks, cinemas, parties and, possibly, family reunions.

This should not be a reason for depression for us. By being focused on the objectives we are pursuing and having clear demands, we will know that it is only a period of sacrifice that, sooner rather than later, will bring fruit and personal satisfaction and for the whole family.

Being a mother and opposing is a great challenge, but it requires a great effort.

Enjoy the experience to the fullest

The student period is usually unforgettable and motherhood, without a doubt, is the best stage in a woman’s life. By joining these two facets, it only remains to enjoy them. Take advantage of everything that comes with studying and being a mother at the same time; good things and bad things always leave important learnings.

Studying does not mean that we should put our family aside. Many times it is they who drive us to achieve the proposed goals. Balance is essential to bear the burden of home and academic without major setbacks.

The essential thing about being a mother and studying at the same time is to feel satisfied by the decisions made, to assume with positivism every sacrifice that is necessary in order to reach the goal and to enjoy this experience with order and support from the family. When you realize that you have achieved it, you will certainly feel able to take on new challenges that are much more challenging.

Maternity and university studies may be compatible

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