This Video Shows That Love Makes Premature Babies Stronger

This video shows that love makes premature babies stronger

Seeing Ward Miles Miller’s mom Lyndsey hug her baby full of wires and connections made me shudder. The first minutes of the video that revolutionized the networks seemed painful and beautiful at the same time, she was able to hug her son, who was born 15 weeks earlier than expected, with the help of at least two nurses who were holding part of the tubes and cables that connected the tiny body of the newborn to devices that held him to life.

Lyndsey’s face looks worried at first, but also – and I can’t even explain with what gesture, since it’s more than just an expression – conveys love, tenderness. In a scene when you go home, it denotes that you are thinking about your son, that you are always thinking about him.

She loves him and never loses faith in God, never stops believing that she will be saved, against all odds and adversity. And it does. “He is a fighter,” he says at one point.

The video called “The First Year of War Miles Miller” and was shot by his father Benjamin Scot, a professional photographer, is a love story that summarizes 107 days of hospitalization in six minutes.

A video of love

“The video summarizes my son’s first year. He was born very premature and had to overcome many great obstacles, but no greater than our God. This is a story of a mother’s love for her baby, ”Benjamin wrote.

It is beautiful and shows the unconditional love of a mother who never loses faith, who talks to her baby every day and shows her tenderness, although she knows that she is facing difficult situations for how small she is.

The chances for Ward Miles Miller to survive were slim, for many premature babies in the world they are, but they are also cared for by many hands that never stop believing in them.

In one of the photos Benjamin Scot posted on his Instagram he says something like: Today is a great day for him, he will have a PICC line that runs from a vein in his arm or leg all the way to his heart. It is a delicate procedure, but it will be a big step forward for him. Please continue to pray for my new best friend.

The images also show the constant struggle that the premature baby had inside an incubator. “I want to thank the doctors, nurses and staff around the world who are on a mission to make babies better. It’s thanks to you that my son always had the opportunity to get home! ”Added Benjamin.


Viral Testimony of Ward Miles Miller’s Dad

“The First Year of War Miles” is a viral video, but it is not the only story of a beautiful fight, I know that there are hundreds of mothers in the world who have impressive stories to tell.

Last year, I interviewed Mrs. Elba Herrera de Encinas. She is Jorge Andrés Encinas, who was born five months pregnant, weighed 500 grams and the doctors who treated him did not believe that he would survive. But he did.

“The nurses told me: This one is not going to the dance.” That expression denotes that they believed that the baby would not survive. Elba never paid attention to it. Both Ward and Jorge were born earlier than they should have, their organs had not matured, but in addition to technological advances, both mothers dedicated themselves to giving love to their children.

Both spoke to her while they were in the incubator, and her faith was never broken despite the disappointing prognoses and both are convinced that her love and God’s help saved their children.

After 14 respiratory arrests, months of hospitalization in the Intensive Care Unit of the Pediatric Hospital, surgical interventions, emergency transfers to Ascardio for cardiac arrests … sleepless nights, financial sacrifices from his parents and years of therapy Jorge Andrés not only survived: A His 9-year-old is a healthy and talented child, says Mrs. Elba Herrera.

Hers was a multiple pregnancy from which the babies disintegrated at five months due to blood pressure problems, she had chronic tension and pre-eclampsia, for which they performed a therapeutic abortion, a half kilo baby was saved, weighed 500 grams and then 400 grams.

“Everything that happened with Jorge should serve a purpose. We began to work on this, and to spread our testimony because it is God’s work, the work done by parents, family members, teachers and other people who are around the premature baby is valuable, “says Herrera, who has also seen Ward Miles’ video .

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