Do You Know How To Combat Aesthetic Cellulite?

Linked to hormones, the appearance of cellulite is very common in both men and women. During pregnancy, weight gain is usually accompanied by the appearance of this problem. 
Do you know how to combat aesthetic cellulite?

Aesthetic cellulite, better known as “orange peel”, is a condition that usually appears, especially in the lower abdomen, buttocks, thighs and upper arms. And although it does not pose a danger to health, it is unpleasant and can affect people on a psycho-emotional level.

Its causes are very varied, therefore, there is no only way to combat it. However, it is possible to address it and reduce its presence to a minimum, by maintaining healthy lifestyle habits. In this sense, two of the most determining factors will be diet and physical activity.

It should be noted that aesthetic cellulite affects women more frequently, of different age ranges and physical condition. Therefore, not only women who are overweight or who have recently given birth, can look like it; there are thin women who also suffer from it.

Tips to combat aesthetic cellulite

The good news is that it is possible to combat this problem through a series of very simple guidelines to carry out. Here we tell you everything you need to know. Take note!

1. Changes in diet

A good diet is the basis for being in good health and also looking good. Remember that when you take care of your body, this can be seen with the naked eye: your hair, skin, nails look healthy. And who doesn’t want to look good?

So, to combat aesthetic cellulite, you must take care of your diet. This means that you should avoid certain types of foods and increase your intake of others. Among those you should forget are, of course, fried foods, sweets, processed foods rich in artificial substances -such as preservatives- and the like.

Try to eat a low-fat diet that includes lean protein and several servings of vegetables and fruits. Moderate your carbohydrate consumption and try to bet on whole grain or whole grain foods (pasta, breads, rice, etc). Along the same lines, cut down on simple carbohydrates like white flour and sugar.

On the other hand, say goodbye to sugar and instead look for the healthier alternatives: organic honey, stevia or agave syrup. Also, reduce the consumption of coffee, soft drinks and energy drinks. Instead, try drinking green tea or herbal teas like peppermint, pennyroyal, chamomile, linden, or peppermint.

varied and healthy diet

2. Drink more water!

Just as you must improve and take care of your diet, you must also try to maintain a good daily consumption of water. According to The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine , an adult woman should drink approximately 12 cups of water throughout the day. In total, a total of 2.7 liters. 

Remember that it is not only about drinking water alone, but also about taking advantage of foods rich in it; like fruits or vegetables, for example. In fact, 20% of your water consumption must come from these types of sources. This makes things much easier and helps you take care of the previous point, that is, your diet.

3. Do physical exercise

It is advisable to do physical activity on a daily basis. According to the World Health Organization, it is advisable to take between 4,000 steps a day, that is, walk for about 40 minutes.

When it comes to fighting cellulite, it will be essential to abandon a sedentary lifestyle and begin to adopt an active lifestyle. As you work your body, be it running, cycling, doing specific strength exercises in the gym, practicing a sport -such as swimming-, or combining them all, you will reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Cardiovascular training is one of the most recommended in this regard. However, sports are also great options when it comes to delivering results. The key is to practice them with discipline and perseverance. It will be useless to go to the pool once every 3 months. Keep in mind that you must take care of yourself regularly, therefore, it is best to exercise 4-5 days a week.

According to trainers, weight training sessions can help reduce cellulite to a great extent. However, it is not mandatory to resort only to this type of activity. Squats or machine leg extensions are also highly recommended.

Some specialist doctors recommend beginning to regain the figure 4 months after giving birth.

4. Reduce your stress levels

In addition to the aforementioned tips, it is important that you take care of your emotional health to combat aesthetic cellulite. Yes, as you read it. Remember that chronic stress promotes the secretion of a hormone, cortisol, which accelerates skin aging and weight gain.

A high level of cortisol in the blood greatly reduces lipolytic hormones, whose mission is to destroy fat cells in the body. So the time has come to rethink your rhythm of life, work or incessant travel.

Fighting cellulite is daily work

As we have mentioned, aesthetic cellulite is a condition that can have a negative impact on self-esteem. Therefore, it is important to stand up to it and immediately begin to improve all those lifestyle habits that may be aggravating the problem.

Consult with your doctor about what may be the most appropriate meal plan for you and discuss all your concerns. In the meantime, start to find out which exercise routines attract your attention the most or the times of that fun dance therapy session that you have close to home.

How to fight cellulite after pregnancy?

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