Books To Learn About The Human Body

Another different way of knowing everything about the human body is through children’s books
Books to learn about the human body

The human body is one of the topics that most often attracts the attention of the smallest of the house due to the multitude of questions and curiosities that can be discovered about it. In the classroom this is an essential part of teaching, but sometimes so much information is not very attractive or appealing to children.

Therefore, today we bring you another different way to learn more about the human body through children’s books with which the little ones can interact, have fun and discover new knowledge in an enjoyable and simple way.

Books on the human body

1. Discover the human body

The little ones in the house from three years old also have their ways of discovering the human body. For this reason, the Beascoa publishing house has published this book recommended for the little ones.

In addition to being able to learn interesting facts about the human body adapted to their age, they will be able to discover other types of topics related to the human body and its healthy habits, such as food or hygiene. An ideal book for children to begin to become familiar with such important and essential topics as this one.

Books to learn about the human body.

2. I wonder: the human body

“And because?”.  Surely on many occasions children around you, or even your own children, have asked countless questions about a specific topic. The Usborne publishing house is aware that children have many questions that need to be answered,  for this reason it created its collection I wonder , recommended for children from six years old.

Specifically, this title refers to the human body and it answers many questions that children ask about the subject. In addition, it is a book with which children will be able to interact continuously, because to draw their attention and It is not just an informative book, it contains more than 60 tabs that the little reader will discover. 

3. My pop-up Body Books

This book contains all the features to become an essential book on every child’s home shelf. First of all, it  is written in English, since the Spanish translation has been discontinued for years. This should be seen as a positive point, because in this way the learning of other languages ​​is also developed.

Secondly,  it is a wonderful pop-up with incredible details that will make both young and old alike enjoy, while having fun with the number of tabs and interactive elements that it includes throughout its pages.

Without a doubt, it is the best book on the human body that you can buy to learn more about the subject.

More books on this topic

4. Incredible Larousse Encyclopedia: The Human Body

Children today have an encyclopedia concept anchored in the past. They see these types of books as large volumes with a lot of information and no illustrations.

However, some of these publishers, such as Larousse, have managed to reinvent themselves and adapt to the needs of the smallest of the house by creating wonderful encyclopedias like this one we are talking about.

Books to learn about the human body.

Despite having a lot of information, it combines interactive elements, such as flaps or flyers, and other types of activities and games for the little ones to enjoy during their learning.

It is an ideal resource for children from five years old since, although it contains a lot of text, the details of its illustrations and images and their interaction mean that it can be used by them from a young age.

5. Baby Larousse Encyclopedia of the Human Body

From the same publisher and with the same format as the previous title, in this case it focuses on the smallest of the house, as it is a recommended book for children from two years of age. 

Tailored to your knowledge and needs, illustrations are essential in this little encyclopedia for little ones. With fun activities such as a puzzle or the inclusion of stickers, children will learn information about bones, muscles, skin or the five senses, among others.

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