What Is Simple Language Delay?

What is simple language delay?

Simple language delay is a language disorder characterized by the low use of words during childhood. In other words, a minor who has a simple language delay does not use most of the words that the other children in his age group use to communicate. He has a certain delay in using phonemes and combining words (syntax) to express an idea.

A child learns to speak because he imitates other human beings, especially his attachment figure, and the other people with whom he lives. That is why it is said that the house is the first school.

Those who live in a quiet environment in which family members speak little to each other and prefer, for example, social networks to communicate with friends and family, could develop this dysfunction.

But a child who lives in an active environment where everyone talks and talks non-stop may also find it difficult to express himself, because, although the house teaches, each human being already comes with the vestiges of what his personality will be in adult life.

Now, you should know that this disorder is not a problem that cannot be corrected, in fact, it is one of the easiest to remedy, especially if it is acted upon from an early age.

Learning to write

Keep in mind that language will help the child to communicate with his peers and establish better social relationships. It will allow you to express your points of view, it will be a powerful tool to develop in your school environment and achieve cognitive and thinking maturity.

This time lag with respect to speech, although it is not an impediment to the child’s learning and mental development, it does hinder it. So, if you notice that your little one is quiet and when he speaks he does not articulate correctly, if he expresses himself rather through sounds, finger signals and it is difficult for him to use the words that other children use, we recommend that you stimulate his language with these simple but fun activities.

How to improve simple language delay


Nursery rhymes are excellent for teaching a child to speak, introducing him to new words, and making him understand what each thing is called and how it is pronounced. If at home everyone says “spoon”, when they mean “listen”, through songs he can learn how to say the word correctly.

Then put nursery rhymes for him to learn. Listen to them, dance together and sing them. While having fun, make sure that your child repeats the end of the sentences (because most of the syllables are the ones he will learn) correctly.

Translate sounds

Play to translate sounds. Imitate, for example, a cat’s meow and ask him what little animal does this. He may answer you: I tie, and then you will have to correct him: cat, and you will ask him to repeat the word.

Chat during the game


Make small sentences, or very simple phrases while they play. Through dialogue, introduce different words so that your child learns to say them correctly.

If you ask him: can I borrow this car? He may answer you with his head. You should tell him to answer you: Yes, mom, take the car. Ask him to repeat this for you.

Tips for Mothers of Children with Simple Language Delays

Mom, before finishing the article we must talk to you about two issues that will help your son to express himself better and overcome this difficulty.

  1. Don’t let him point a finger at you or make sounds to indicate that he wants something. Pretend you don’t understand him and ask him to speak to you to find out what he wants or wants to tell you. If, for example, he wants water, don’t run to give it to him just because he brought you the pot where he usually drinks it. Encourage him to tell you that he wants water, wait for him to talk to you
  2. Correct it. We do not ask you to be the whole day behind him to correct all the phonemes. But at all times, and especially with the words he uses the most, make him repeat their correct pronunciation.

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