Book Recommendations For Children Ages 8 To 10

For each of the school stages there are some recommended books. These books will help them advance their reading development and learning.
Book recommendations for children ages 8 to 10

From the age of eight, the vast majority of children begin to master reading. Sometimes this happens earlier and sometimes later. The fact that it usually occurs at that age does not mean that all children have the same learning pace. For this reason, we are going to make some recommendations for books for children between 8 and 10 years old that they will love and amuse them because of the funny and close stories that we find in their pages.

Numerous themes are represented in them so that all children have the possibility of finding the book that makes them excited about reading. Here we go!

Book recommendations for children ages 8 to 10

Captain underpants

If we talk about bestsellers in the world of children’s literature, we cannot fail to include the collection of books starring Captain Underpants. A book that we already included in our selection of children’s books to laugh out loud at the fun that their stories produce for children and that make them want to read all the titles that make it up.

Kids reading some of the book recommendations for children ages 8-10.

The Captain Underpants stories come from the minds of Jorge and Beto, two very naughty children who love to imagine new adventures every day. However, one day they hypnotize the principal of their school… who will become the captain himself!  Laughter and fun are guaranteed in this fantastic collection of books that young readers will love.

Gangster granny

Ben’s grandmother, although she may seem like a boring old lady with whom the boy does not want to spend time, has a great secret: she is a thief known worldwide and with a recognized reputation for her assaults. When Ben learns this secret, Friday nights at his grandmother’s house will never be the same again and together they will raid one of the most important loots in history.

A story full of fun, nonsense and humor that also deals with family relationships and, more specifically, the relationship between grandparents and grandchildren.

A tangerine kiss

Love, knowing yourself, values ​​and school are some of the topics covered in this fantastic easy-to-read book. Through its pages, we can meet Vanina, a mysterious girl with whom the protagonist of the story falls in love as soon as he sees her.

However, getting close to her will cost you much more than you thought and along the way you will get to know a series of aspects about yourself that you did not know, as well as a series of values ​​about respect, friendship and coexistence that you will not forget. Never.

Los futbolísimos , one of the most successful book recommendations for children from 8 to 10 years old

The collection of books in Los futbolísimos has turned hundreds of children who don’t like reading too much into little ‘bookworms’. The simple stories, the dialogues with rhythm as well as the theme of football and friendship, being carried out by children of similar ages to the readers, have made it one of the most successful collections today.

Boy reading sitting in a park with leaves on the ground.

Its success has meant that at present there are already 17 books that make up the saga that will grow, very surely, as the months go by. There is even a web page dedicated to the world of this collection.

Geronimo Stilton

One of the most successful sagas of children’s books in history is the one with the mouse Gerónimo as its main character. Such has been its success that, in addition to the 57 titles published in its first collection, other related special books have subsequently been published. Even her sister, Tea Stilton, has a collection of similar books starring her.

Witches, mermaids, Greece, Egypt or the Olympic Games are some of the themes that can be found in the titles of this fantastic collection that does not stop growing due to its success.

Also, last summer, the publisher decided to put on sale some summer notebooks to review the school year for children with the protagonists of the Stilton saga. A way to make school vacations and revisions easier and more fun.

In short, the most successful book-games

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