4 Games To Stimulate Non-verbal Expression

It is important for children to master non-verbal communication. We recommend some games to stimulate this aspect.
4 games to stimulate non-verbal expression

Non-verbal expression games amuse young and old, since this type of game forces the participants to perform strange postures and make various faces, continuously producing comic situations that make all the players laugh.

In addition, these games are ideal for children to work on the ability to communicate without using speech, only through gestures and movements, so that they learn to use their own body to express themselves correctly, which is very important for future development. .

4 games to stimulate non-verbal expression

Do you want to stimulate the non-verbal expression of your children in a playful and entertaining way? Next, we recommend four games to get it. We hope that some of them will help you have a good time with your family!

Guess the words through mimicry

Before starting to play, you have to decide who will be responsible for conducting the game. This will be in charge of writing a list of words to be represented. Thus, the players are divided into two groups and stand at a certain distance from the person conducting the game.

Father and daughter playing games to stimulate non-verbal expression.

In turn, one member of each group has to address the driver so that he or she tells him the word on the list that he must represent only with gestures and movements. The rest of the group participants have to guess the word.

When someone guesses the word, they should go to the game host and ask him what word to mimic. The group that manages to guess all the words on the list first wins. Another variant is to make this same game with movie titles, with professions, etc.

Chain of gestures, one of the games to stimulate non-verbal expression

This game not only favors body expression in children, but also serves to develop memory and attention.   To start playing, participants have to sit on the ground in a circle so that everyone can see each other’s faces clearly.

One of the players has to make a gesture using the face, hands or feet. The player who is located to the right of this, must repeat that same gesture and carry out a different one.

When it is the third player’s turn, he has to repeat the first and second gestures and add a new one to the series. Thus, a chain of gestures is formed, until the whole circle is turned around or until one of the players makes a mistake and does not remember any of the gestures made.

The statues

This game consists of dancing and moving to the rhythm of the music, until it stops and the room is silent. At that time, the participants must stand still, like statues, and maintain the position in which they were.

One of the players must assume the role of supervisor and make sure that none of the participants move. To complicate the challenge, he can make faces and gestures, trying to make the statues laugh.

If any of the participants can’t hold back laughing or move, then they lose and go on to play the role of supervisor in a new game. With this game, children work on self-control and attention.

Family playing games and having fun together.

Mirror imitation

To play this game, the participants have to group themselves in pairs and face each other. A stopwatch is activated, with a duration of one minute and, during this time, one of the members of the couple must continuously perform gestures and movements, which the player in front has to imitate, but with one condition: it is not allowed laugh.

In this way, in the event that the player who is imitating laughs before the time is up, he will lose the game. After a minute, the roles are exchanged, that is, the player who copies the actions to be the one who carries them out, and vice versa. This game requires maintaining concentration to perfectly imitate the gestures made by the opposing player.

About games to stimulate non-verbal expression

As you have seen, these 4 games are an excellent option to stimulate non-verbal expression in the smallest of the house and spend a fun and quality time with the family. What are you waiting for to start playing with your loved ones?

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