10 Activities To Do As A Couple During Pregnancy

10 activities to do as a couple during pregnancy

Although we may think that pregnancy unites us as a couple, it does not always turn out that way. There are many activities that can be done as a couple during pregnancy, but we are not used to practicing them. Despite hormonal changes in the mother and sometimes also in the father, a happy pregnancy can be lived.

Life as a couple changes drastically during pregnancy, there is no doubt about that. However, there are still things that can fill some gaps. Since then the focus will be different, but the couple will continue to be. Most pregnant women benefit from the support of their partner.

Among the activities you can do together, include some designed to relax Mom and take away certain responsibilities. As we know, one of the main needs of the pregnant woman is rest, in this we can help them.

Attend prenatal visits together

Since some common activities have been replaced by preparation courses and prenatal visits, do it together. Sometimes the emotions that appear during pregnancy are not all good. However, during preparation we can reduce nervousness.

As a couple knows better what is happening with their body, they will have a better chance of resolving potential conflicts. Attending the control and preparation activities as a couple not only unites them, but also calms them down.

Talk to the baby

We may think that you are not listening or that you do not need to, but talking to your baby is very important. Moms can spend hours thinking about their baby, however, they may be able to tell him out loud what they think. Babies in the womb are believed to be able to hear from the first eight weeks.

If we can speak to you as parents, it would be of great benefit to everyone. Take advantage of the moments of intimacy and relaxation to talk with your little one. We know that not all parents may be willing to do this, but it is worth a try.

Plan a walk


We may worry more about the comfort of the future mother, but in reality there are many things that are allowed. Most pregnant women can go to the beach, take walks or attend a massage session. The important thing is to have a different moment, which is also beneficial for each one.

Plan a romantic dinner or go on a weekend trip. Let’s remember that as long as the doctor authorizes it, Mom can travel for several months. Many activities are generally avoided that should not be avoided.

Things to do as a couple

Taking pictures as a couple

Photographs of pregnancy are very important. At present it is almost impossible for this stage to pass without photographic evidence. Grandmothers remind us that in their times this was not common, but now we cannot miss the opportunity.

Although in most cases the pregnant mother is the protagonist, an image of mom and dad is very valuable. Also, it is something that can definitely be done as a couple. He can take pictures of you or they can be in photos together.

Treat yourself to a weekend in bed

Future mothers may be able to spend a month in bed just for the fun of it, but this is not always possible. What if they decide to take a weekend away just to do nothing? Sometimes pregnant women only get up out of responsibility, but if they both agree to stay in bed, it may be appropriate.

A weekend watching movies hugging with our partner is a small dream, but sometimes impossible to achieve. However, it is one of the activities that can be done as a couple during pregnancy, even several times.


Shopping trips are not counted as pleasure trips all the time. However, we can make it happen. Just as we enjoy going out with our friends, as a couple it must also be.

Going around the specialized stores for babies, toy stores or novelties, can be a worthwhile option. To a large extent, parents use the baby as an excuse to buy something we have wanted.

Carry out household chores as a couple

Every pregnant woman wants help with household chores. However, it is not necessary to ask them to do this or that for us, we can do it together well. We can cook as a couple, wash or tidy the house. The responsibility should not necessarily fall on just one of the two.


Organize the baby’s room

In most cases, parents start to organize a special room for their baby as soon as they find out about its existence. Despite being an activity that requires a lot of male labor, it is the moms who dedicate the most time to it.

However, it is an activity that can unite you as a couple and with your future baby. This room always includes many details, so it takes time. Spending a few hours a week as a couple allows you to be together a little more.

Planning the return home of mother and son

Although the mother may hate having made plans for this stage, it helps to have some planning. Depending on the region in which they are, families often have traditions for the arrival of the baby. These include the preparation of certain foods and drinks.

Perhaps a party is being prepared and souvenirs are given to visitors. This set of activities requires planning that the couple can do well in advance. During pregnancy there is plenty of time to plan for these things.

Being together in childbirth

As we know, childbirth is a time that requires great support and trust. Nowadays it is common for husbands to accompany their wives at this stage. There is no time and place more conducive to being as a couple than the day the baby is received.

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