Should Cell Phones Be Banned At School?

Many parents wonder if it is positive to use mobile phones in class. In this article, we stop on this question and tell you everything you need to know.
Should the use of mobile phones be prohibited at school?

Mobile phones have become an indispensable part of the lives of children and adults. In fact, the growing number of teenagers using smartphones in schools has become a major concern, leading to the question: Should cell phones be banned at school?

It is very difficult to obtain a definitive answer that satisfies all the parties involved. On the one hand, the detractors consider that the mobiles in the school can mislead and interrupt the correct development of the classes;  then, they consider that it has a negative impact on children’s education.

On the other hand, one of the rationales for those who support  the use of mobile phones in schools is that it provides a new platform for education systems, similar to laptops.

Among other things, the use of mobile phones can help people download slides, take notes, share ideas with others via Bluetooth, and do research on the internet, among many other possibilities.

Even research has shown that students primarily use mobile devices to stay organized. This means that they use the calendar, alarms or take photos of the teachers’ notes.

Parents must set limits

Clearly, both schools and parents have a role to play in setting limits, providing guidance with telephone use, and also teaching self-regulation and self-control skills. Parents should also serve as appropriate role models for their use.

This does not mean that adults only have to use their smartphones in private, but rather that they should try to be a good role model and lead by example that they try to pass on to children. In these cases, the key is to understand that certain behaviors are only acceptable in some places;  the irresponsible use of mobile phones at school is one example.

Many say that the mobile should be used at school, but as a study tool.

What are the weaknesses of the use of mobile phones at school?

The use of mobile phones at school causes rejection because it can cause students to not be attentive to the explanations of the teachers. However, other negative factors also interfere, which are the following:

1. Disconnection from face-to-face activities

The appearance of mobiles at school causes, in some cases, to encourage less participation and discussion in person. Consequently, dependence on smartphones also means that students have fewer learning opportunities.

2. Distractions and interruptions

Many students use the phones to check social media and send text messages to their friends in class.  With this, distractions and interruptions are generated for both students and their peers.

3. Cyber ​​bullying

Mobile phones can also cause an increase in problems related to bullying in the educational environment. Cyberbullying can be harder to see than other forms of bullying; this fact makes it difficult for teachers to identify and intercede when it is happening.

What are the strengths of using mobile phones at school?

On the other hand, there are those who have no doubt that, if used correctly, mobiles at school can be a very useful tool. Here are its strengths:

1. Easy access to information

Phones give students greater access to information,  allowing them to do more research on a topic while having class discussions. With these devices, access to information is immediate and broader.

2. Incorporation of digital platforms

Using smart phones and accessing social media can keep more introverted students interested; thus, they can participate in the discussions. For example, they can use Twitter hashtags to share thoughts and ideas.

Many parents wonder how to avoid teen problems and digital addiction.

3. Educational learning apps

Mobile phones give students access to tools and applications that can help them complete and stay on top of class work. In turn, they allow you to learn to develop better study habits and acquire organizational skills.

In short, the use of mobile phones at school is a topic that generates much debate among parents and guardians.  However, the idea that they all share is that a responsible use of the tool can be beneficial to contribute to teaching.

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