What To Do If My Child Is Afraid To Go To Class?

The beginning of the school stage in our children can provoke different reactions from the little ones. One of the situations that usually occurs is the fear of going to class. What to do before these cases?
What to do if my child is afraid to go to class?

The solution to the fears of the children’s school requires a conscious participation of the parents. “What to do if my child is afraid to go to class?” To answer this question, it is necessary to understand the nature of the child and accompany the child in adapting to a decision that is ours but that he will carry out.

This is a time of stress and anxiety, but it is also the first step to new experiences. Whether they are more or less complicated will depend on your previous preparation to face them; the help of parents is therefore essential.

These fears often occur in children who are going to school for the first time. Also in those who have just had a brother who stays at home while they have to go to school. The loss of a close family member can be another trigger.

Other causes may be the fear of failure in the learning process or of relating to others; family problems and bullying are also common reasons.

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It is not a whim

The boy did not choose to be separated from his parents even for only a few hours a day. It is not a whim, so it is a situation that needs to be paid attention to.

In the school stage, the little one requires help to face a process that will be loaded with learning. Your relationship with yourself, with others, and its impact on your future will largely depend on how you cope with this period.

It may happen that the child cries, loses his appetite, is upset, does not sleep or becomes ill. It is an irrational fear of going to school; Faced with this, many parents do not know how to act.

They forget the agreements, the guidelines that they had drawn up to accompany him in this beginning of school. Mishandled, this stage can lead to social isolation of the child.

How do I know if my child is afraid to go to class?

What to do if my child is afraid to go to school? The first thing is to detect it. An emotional discomfort appears that translates into pain, fear or dizziness; You may also have trouble sleeping, crying, and a lack of interest in group activities. Also, the child will make up excuses to stay home.

The symptoms of what is known as school phobia are various. The child will do everything possible to lose time to be late for school; he will be very irritable and will not want to leave the house.

My son is afraid to go to class, what do I do?

The child should never feel alone in this process, otherwise they will feel abandoned. Affective and effective communication that gives you serenity will increase your self-confidence and enhance your abilities. There will be no fear, guilt or insecurity.

You will find new friends!

To this accompaniment of the parents it is important to add a detailed explanation about the positive aspects of going to class. For example, that you will find new friends and learn a lot of fun things.

Routine and discipline

If the child is afraid to go to school it will benefit him to establish routines. Some aspects like the ho rarios for food, rest and sports will be needed throughout this process begins.

Parents should investigate the causes of this behavior. Bad grades often create fear; in this case, he should be assisted with directed assignments or other activities that give him academic security.

It can also happen that the fear or school phobia is related to the move to a new school. In this case, you will have to be patient,  accompany him in his day-to-day life and reinforce his progress in a positive way.

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Other insecurities

The fear of going to class can generate other types of insecurities: being alone in a room, being away from parents, animals, the dark, etc.

In the long term, this fear can cause serious problems in your daily life that would require professional help. If it is a teenager who refuses to go to school, the treatment will be intensive and, fortunately, it is usually successful.

Accompaniment, understanding, coordination with the teacher or professional help are actions that help a lot if the child is afraid to go to class. Putting them into practice will help you get through this uncomfortable stage more quickly.

School phobia, fear of going to school

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