The Guitar: The Instrument Capable Of Awakening Your Intelligence

If you want your child to have a hobby that also helps him enhance all his abilities, give him a guitar!
The guitar: the instrument capable of awakening your intelligence

Do you want to forge the best future for your child by offering him the best possible preparation with the help of the best tools? Well then, buy him a guitar. The instrument capable of awakening your intelligence and developing your cognitive abilities to the maximum.

According to recent studies, not only musical practice in general but also this instrument in particular, carry invaluable benefits for the intellect of children. In this way, learning to play the guitar represents a considerable improvement in terms of language, memory and behavior skills.

In this article, we will tell you what science discovered after several investigations around the guitar. As well as the effects that this noble instrument has on the mentality of each child. So now you know: you can change that tablet or game console for a more productive and healthy hobby.

The guitar develops children’s intelligence

According to recent studies, musical practice promotes structural and functional plasticity of the brain. This shows that it can be modeled through experience. Here the string instruments stand out since to achieve speed in the fingers, mental training is required.

That is why specialists recommend musical training since it increases intelligence. In this sense, there are benefits in reading and writing skills, which is why it becomes imperative for those children with dyslalia and dyslexia.

The researchers also point out that playing the guitar encourages discipline and helps to overcome fears. Also, it helps to sharpen the ear and bring the child’s concentration and attention to its maximum potential. And that’s not all, this skill influences safety, expands social relationships and generates commitment, patience and organization.

However, experts advise that children start this activity only from the age of five. In fact, one of the most prominent studies was based on six-year-olds who attended guitar lessons for 15 months, testing for changes in the children’s brain anatomy.


In this way, the experts were able to appreciate an increase in the areas used to work with music. Even those affected brain regions began to change shortly after starting the practice, which became very encouraging for science.

The guitar: Everything you can offer a child

It promotes self-esteem and social skills, also forging an optimal state of mind. These other advantages are attributed to music, especially for those who practice it. Likewise, other studies indicate that it helps babies to take risks.

On the other hand, in 2012 an investigation was published in Letters on Evolutionary Behavioral Science according to which playing the guitar increases the attractiveness of the musician. All the elements previously detailed, make the experts propose music as neuropsychological therapy.

As if all this were not enough, as the specialists argued, playing the guitar makes the child become a methodical person and capable of taking care of even the smallest details. Following the desire and intention to achieve a good sound.

It will be for this same reason that the specialists maintain that these children who practice this type of musical activities, plan the tasks well and have a great capacity for attention, a behavior that can be transferred to the academic or educational activity in which the minor is required quality and results.

Girl with guitar

Likewise, music is an extremely useful means of expression in terms of group formation and teamwork. Well, if the minor is part of an orchestra, practice forms it within a group dynamic that pursues a single objective: a harmonic combination for a good performance.

Instrument learning

Undoubtedly, whether enrolling your child in guitar or in any kind of instrument, you are fostering the commitment to learn, attend weekly rehearsals and practice at home what they have learned in the institute or cultural center.

For the little ones, the melody and the noise merge and confuse. Reducing itself to a mere sound effect devoid of all beauty and expressive charge, so any percussion instrument is ideal. However, the psychologist Jean Piaget assures that an object of curiosity can arise in the child.

Here comes the stage of discovery in which the minor, within his musical interest, will want to go further, learning by using a “real” instrument. However, it is not good for parents to impose learning, but for the infant to choose his instrument.

Whichever you choose, it is essential that your teacher has previous experience with children as their learning differs from that of adults. While proper teaching takes advantage of the imagination and spontaneity of the minor.

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