Myths And Facts About Children With Autism

Myths and facts about children with autism

It is complex to diagnose a child with autism, because this condition cannot be easily detected through regular examinations.

There are three types of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) that can directly affect the development of skills and communication skills of the child.

There are many myths and some realities of this disorder, which some people do not fully know. Today we tell you some:

Some myths and facts about children with autism

1. “Children with autism cannot have friends or relate”

Children with this disorder can make friends and socialize. Much has been said that children who suffer from this disorder cannot relate to other children, but it is not like that, they still have the ability to do so, only that it is a little more complicated for them. Some people even fall in love and get married.

2. “Autism can only affect children”

Autism affects both children and adults. It can be diagnosed at any age.

3. “Children with autism cannot be educated properly”

With the right support, a child suffering from this disorder can be educated normally. With the help of the institution, teachers and parents, a child with this condition can be educated correctly.

4. “Autism is a condition that only affects a group of people”

A recent study published by the American Medical Association (AMA) revealed that the administration of the vaccine known as MMR did not increase the risk of autism spectrum disorder in the participants. 

5. “People with autism do not have empathy”

Children with this disorder often have high regard for other people’s feelings, but have difficulty understanding social cues, gestures, body language, and tones of voice.

Claims that are totally false about autism

1. It has been said that children who suffer from this disorder is due to a psychological problem, this is not the case. It is not a psychological problem, it is an acute disorder that affects the ability to communicate and interact. 

2. This disorder has nothing to do with the family environment. It’s not about lack of affection.

3. It has been said that children who suffer from this disorder do not like to receive love and affection, this is totally false. Although in very extreme cases they do not usually show emotions, they are very sensitive children, they are generally very close to their parents and they like to have friends to play with. They laugh, they cry, they feel, just like all the other children.

4. It has been said many times that they are children with extraordinary abilities such as memorizing all the words in a book or doing extremely difficult mathematical calculations. In reality, only 10% of children with this condition show these types of unusual talents.

5. It has been stated on various occasions that children with this disorder are aggressive. This is totally false, although it affects the nervous system which can cause them to get frustrated very easily and this makes them angry, this behavior can be controlled and corrected. 

What some studies indicate

The study carried out by the National Institute of Mental Health of the United States  (NIMH, for its acronym in English), indicated that there is a small percentage of children who manage to overcome the disorder.  “Some children diagnosed at an early age – under the age of five – with an autism spectrum disorder lose symptoms and even the diagnosis as they get older.”

“Although the diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder does not normally disappear with time, the conclusions obtained maintain that there is a small percentage of cases that manage to overcome the disorder,” explained NIMH director Thomas Insel.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that one in 88 children in the United States suffers from this disorder. They are still investigating future changes that may occur in brain functions and if there is any evidence of the disorder.

We must investigate and be aware of information that is claimed to be incorrect.

Discover how a child with autism sees the world

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