6 Tips For Your Child To Be More Independent

6 tips for your child to be more independent

You may increasingly realize that your child is very dependent on you, needs your approval for everything and is even capable of separation anxiety when he has to be separated from your side for a long time. But a child as he grows up needs to do things on his own and be more independent, that is why as fathers and mothers he must be able to help him to do so.

Children usually have a hard time being independent because they are afraid of making a mistake, they are afraid of being criticized or they may just want to get your attention. No matter what the reason your child needs to be more independent is, you can help him get there. But if you don’t know where to start, don’t miss the following ideas.

And our tips are:

1. Allow me to have initiative

Although it is true that parents should set limits for their children, sometimes it is okay for little ones to be able to make their own decisions, even if they seem somewhat extravagant. For example, if you have a 2-year-old and he wants to wear a jacket that doesn’t match his clothes, let him do it! If he wants to put on a jacket and it is too hot, he will find out for himself that it is better to take it off, so he can come to conclusions under your guidance and his thinking, and thus you are giving him the opportunity to learn and grow.

2. Let him make his own decisions

Just as important is that you have initiative, that you make your own decisions. It allows him to be able to make his own decisions in small things from a young age so that he can have his own choices and feel good about himself. For example, you can allow him to choose the dessert between two options, to choose the clothes he wants to wear in the morning between two options previously chosen by you, etc. This will make you understand that you are capable of making your own decisions and that they are accepted by others, without criticism.


3. Make a to do list

You can make a list of things he could do for himself, such as a to-do list (sweeping the house, brushing teeth, etc.). This list of tasks should be commensurate with your child’s age and after writing it down, they should be given the opportunity to feel independent enough to carry it out alone. If you manage to complete the tasks as opportunities for learning and growth, you are certainly to be commended for doing so!

4. Forget perfections

It is possible that you are a perfectionist person and that you translate it without realizing it in your children. It is not necessary that you have to seek perfection in your children, much less in yourself. You must accept that your children are not going to do things as well as you and with this absolutely nothing happens. If your child spills milk, instead of getting angry, teach him to clean it up without criticizing him and tell him that nothing is wrong, because it is something that usually happens to everyone.


5. Don’t criticize him, praise him!

There are times when parents focus only on the things that their children do wrong and sometimes they get too criticized. But for children to feel good about what they do, parents will need to forget criticism forever and focus on what children do well. If little ones are praised and shown the way to do things right, they are likely to strive for it in a motivated way. On the other hand, if we focus on the criticism of what is done wrong … it is most likely that the self-esteem of the little ones will be seriously damaged.

6. Trust him

For a child to be able to trust himself, he must first feel how others (especially his parents) trust him. To let him know that you trust him, you will have to give him opportunities to do things for himself, and you can even practice absent from time to time in his activities so that he does things by himself. For example, you can tell him that you have to go to another room for 5 minutes and then you will come back. So put longer intervals until your child realizes that he can spend more time doing things by himself … little by little he will be more independent.

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