Practice House Working As A Family

Do you know what house working is and why is it important to carry it out as a family? Do not miss the keys that we give you below!
Practice house working as a family

Household tasks are tasks that all members who live in the same household must perform. Therefore, practice house working as a family. It is the best way for you to realize the importance of the cooperative work of all the members of a family to do household chores.

It is important to keep in mind that when homework is done, it is not a help, but a collaboration. Everyone should have enough responsibility to do chores around the house. The tasks should be distributed among all the members of the household who have the capacity to do it. Of course, young children should start here as well.

For this reason, we want to talk to you about house working , which is the distribution of household tasks in an equitable way and taking into account the capacity of each of the members. Doing so has great benefits for everyone. If the tasks in your home are not distributed, it is time to start!

What is house working?

Couple cleaning the house together to reduce the mental burden of the woman.

As we have advanced in the introduction, a house working is to do the housework and that all the members who live in it actively participate in its realization. It is not about bribing your children so that if they do, they will get a reward. It is your duty at home to do so, without rewards. It is the responsibility shared among all.

All the members of a family must collaborate in the housework, whether it be to clear the table, set up or tend a washing machine, clean the bedrooms, etc. From the age of three it is an appropriate age to start with responsibilities at home.

You should always keep in mind the child’s ability and abilities. For example, at the age of three they can pick up their toys, carry and collect things from the table, carry dirty clothes to the basket, etc. At first they will need supervision, but as time goes on, little by little they will gain autonomy and automation to do the tasks themselves.

They will know that it is their job to do homework, just like the other members of the family. Because it is not about helping, but about collaborating: everyone should participate in the housework! In addition, the little ones will be proud to do their bit and to do things when they grow up. They will feel fulfilled and satisfied! This is something fundamental for the internal work of self-esteem and know-how.

At home we all collaborate! Advantages of following house working

“At home we all collaborate!” This should be the motto and you have to explain to the children why it is so important. Tell them that, as we grow older, we do more tasks, that is why the oldest have more tasks than those who are younger. But everyone will do the same sooner or later. The children who collaborate are great champions and whenever they need help they will have it from mom and dad.

In addition to the responsibilities that your children should have (packing their backpack, paying attention, not interrupting conversations, etc.), there are also responsibilities at home. R onduct this type of domestic organization has great advantages :

  • Children will have knowledge of household chores that will serve them for a lifetime.
  • They will be more autonomous, independent and responsible with their things and with those of others.
  • Teamwork and collaboration among all are promoted.
  • Children will realize the importance of collaboration in housework.
  • They will realize that effort is necessary to achieve good things in your life.
  • They develop new skills that will make life easier for them.
  • They can be creative when learning to cook, for example.
  • Parents will have fewer chores and feel less burdened and everyone will have more time to spend as a family.
    Child putting dirty dishes in the dishwasher.

How to distribute tasks?

The tasks should be carried out every day, in routines so that the children can automate them. In this way, it will not be necessary to repeat them a thousand times to do a specific job.

First, you will have to explain to the children that they must do their housework because it is everyone’s business. To do this, you can follow the following steps:

  • Make a routine chart so that everyone knows what to do and when.
  • Always motivate your children to do it happy.
  • Never force them; If they don’t want to do something, they will have consequences, but you will have to warn them first. For example, if the table is not collected and the bed is made, there will be no walk.
  • Homework should be organized according to the age and ability of your children.
  • Tasks can be distributed and rotated every week or month, for example.

In short, with these tips, and now that you know what house working is, you can have a well-ordered and clean home thanks to everyone’s collaboration. Create routines, get your children to participate and you will realize that it is the best way to live together as a family.

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