Your Child Doesn’t Like To Eat: A Common Problem

Do you have trouble getting your child to eat? Then you should try some of these strategies to solve this common problem.
Your child doesn't like to eat - a common problem

If your child does not like to eat and gives you problems at the table, you will agree that ensuring that our children have healthy eating habits is undoubtedly a challenge that all mothers and fathers face, especially in this time where the offer of junk food and trinkets is wide and very tempting.

Stories in common

The stories of mothers to achieve their purpose of making their children eat are incredible; Some are funny, others unusual, some seem tragicomedies and many other horror movies.

What is common in them is the conflict around food, that ends in many cases being resolved in favor of the child when “to not fight anymore Mom ends up giving in and the little one ends up eating nuggets with potatoes or pasta with sausages every day “because that’s the only thing he likes.”

Sometimes mothers of “bad mouth” children do things more unusual for them to eat: offer them toys, let them watch TV while they eat, give them another chance, punish them, reheat their food millions of times until they eat it, threaten them, reward them with sweets, give them food in their mouths, etc.


We’ve all been through all those situations, not counting the overwhelming advice and accusing stares from grandmothers and aunts. However, to stop this situation it is good that you know that the specialists affirm that: The moment of the meal cannot be unpleasant, full of scolding, crying and threats, nobody likes to eat crying, not even those who do like to eat.

So if your child does not like to eat, you will have to manage so that your little one eats even small amounts but of healthy food and nutritious, also so that it makes you happy and everyone at home can enjoy a moment of peace at the table.

Try decorating the dishes

Decorating, assembling landscapes or figures on children’s plates is something that is in fashion lately. This strategy is wonderful to fill a tense moment like food with magic if your child does not like to eat.

This will work better some days than others, but in general, it will be your lifeline to end the crying (of your children and yours) at mealtime. It is a good idea, not only with inappetent children, but also with those who for some condition have special diets whose list of allowed foods is usually restricted.

It is also useful for those parents whose children “eat very well” but do not dare to try vegetables or new foods .

You don’t have to be a top chef, you can use cookie cutters and a little imagination. Do not be overwhelmed by the unattainable works of art that we see many times on the web, try some simple and possible ideas to do with the resources available to you. 


Other things to keep in mind if your child doesn’t like to eat

  • A healthy nutrition starts with healthy habits and balanced meals, and with everyone at home eating the same. Remember that it is taught by example, so you cannot put a meal for yourself and another for your child, much less if your child does not like to eat.
  • Do not give up. There are good days and others not so good, but always it is important to be persistent enough to offer children nutritionally quality food on a daily basis , although sometimes it causes us to throw in the towel. Before preparing food, ask yourself what kind of vitamins, proteins or minerals that dish provides your child.
  • If your child doesn’t like to eat, participate in food preparation This is something that everyone enjoys a lot, so little by little you will become familiar with the flavors, smells and textures and will be encouraged to try.
  • Take it with you shopping , let him choose in the fruits and vegetables section “a surprise” for each member of the family .
  • Prevent your child from noticing the concern that his behavior generates . He will be able to use it against you when he wants to run away from food.

Foods that feed the happiness of the child

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