Recycling At Home In Times Of Quarantine To Entertain Children

You can entertain your children all the hours you are at home with recycling at home and these fun ideas.
Recycling at home in times of quarantine to entertain children

All over the world, people are waking up to the new normal of social distancing and self-isolation. For families who don’t have the budget or the ability to have plenty of toys and technology to keep kids busy in quarantine, things can be even more stressful. But with recycling at home and having fun, everything can improve.

Although children can go out for an hour a day, in reality, they still spend a lot of time at home, and they may have already played with all the toys they have.

You may also have run out of ideas to keep them entertained. This means that you will have to be even more creative, but you don’t have to buy anything : you have everything at home.

Recycling at home for obstacle course

Before the coronavirus crisis, you may have thought that you had a normal living room: cushions, poufs , coffee table … Nothing out of the ordinary.

However, when you are at home, you find that those cushions can become lava balls to jump on. Your bean bag can be a death-defying spinning wheel to run. Your dining room table could, in fact, become a tunnel of terror.  At least with a little imagination on everyone’s part.

Father playing with his children during quarantine thanks to recycling at home.

Children can collaborate in the design and execution. You can add things around the home to make obstacles, like milk cartons. Give this idea a little squeeze to make a fun circuit for kids to have challenges like backing up, walking too slow or too fast, etc. But always take safety precautions!

More movement with flexible ideas

Parents everywhere are drastically re-evaluating their quarantined screen time rules, and for good reason. These are busy days, and the rule book can be thrown out the window, for the most part…  Flexibility is necessary for everything to run smoothly.

However, television and smart devices don’t have to be the enemy. You can use the screens to do exercises with children, such as children’s yoga, for example. Watch handicraft tutorials with recycling at home or Apps to make fun videos and have a good time with the family.

That is, the screens can also help you to be on the move. You can even put on music at random and let the children decide what to do, if they want to dance,  create a circuit with recycled things from home to do it following the rhythm of the music, etc.

Recycled books

Perhaps you have books hidden under your bed, those books that have not seen the light for a long time. With so many hours at home, the time has come to give them another chance. Make a reading corner in your home so that the children are encouraged to read with you. In this way, every day for a little while, you can all read those old relics to be with your family.

It is possible that with this idea children discover a new world of reading. This will help you open your mind to other books. Of course, remember to look at the content of books that are suitable for the understanding of your children. Take into account their age and, thus, they will be able to understand well what they read.

Parents reading with their daughter in a cabin built in the living room at home.

Recycling at home: wear your old clothes for a fabulous costume party

The costumes for this generation of kids seem to be all about Marvel superheroes and Disney characters. If you don’t have the time or budget to put on a brand-new, stylish wardrobe for quarantine, take out your old clothes.

Ruffled skirts from last year, the dress that’s too small (or too big) for you these days, that shirt that was so fashionable a few years ago, but not so much in 2020 … These are your tickets for some fun . You can have a great costume party.

About quarantine

The quarantine is an act of solidarity and pure love for our society at large, for the immunocompromised, and for the brave healthcare workers fighting coronavirus on the front lines. It is not particularly fun or easy, but it is necessary.

However, with a little imagination and a little help from a few items and recycling at home, kids can do great things and have a great time as a family. Power your imagination!

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