Protect Your Child From Mosquitoes

In addition to causing hives and discomfort, mosquito bites spread diseases such as yellow fever, Dengue, Zika, and Chikungunya. How to protect your child against this threat?
Protect your child from mosquitoes

Although it is a maternal concern that dates back to ancient times, it has now become a nightmare with the emergence of Dengue, Zika and Chikungunya. We are talking about protecting children from mosquito bites, those little, annoying and dangerous enemies of every summer.

Although mothers take dozens of precautions before exposing children outdoors in pools, camps, and parks, it is difficult to avoid mosquito attacks and rashes. It is not only about the annoying sensation that these insects leave, but about the transmission of diseases such as malaria and yellow fever.

Given that these tiny critters are carriers of diseases that pose a huge risk to the health of children, threatening the child population with fevers, severe pain and even death, the golden rule is to stay away from mosquitoes.

However, and fortunately, there are some tricks capable of driving away these undesirable insects in order to protect the little ones. Discover in this article what are those secrets to prevent your children from being bitten by mosquitoes.


Mosquitoes, a danger on a global scale

Have you ever heard that mosquitoes are the most dangerous animals on the planet? Although it is a curious and risky statement, the truth is that these insects are responsible for millions of cases of malaria per year.

However, these bugs are carriers of other diseases such as West Nile virus, yellow fever, Dengue, Zica and Chikungunya, which makes them more dangerous and makes precautionary measures to avoid mosquito bites more necessary. In children.

“There is no better attack than a good defense,” says the right popular saying, because in this case it is imperative to be prepared and, for this, it is essential to know where they live and what are the most effective methods to repel them.

For this, the American Academy of Pediatrics points out that a good option for children older than two months are repellants with DEET (diethyltoluamide), provided that they contain, at most, up to 30% of this substance, a concentration with which an estimated protection for at least six hours.

Are you afraid of the possible toxicity represented by the chemicals in these more “commercial” repellants? Well then, do not forget to try those natural remedies made from plants such as citronella and camphor.

In addition, there are other precautions such as avoiding the use of fragranced soaps, not being exposed to the hours of mosquito feeding (from dusk to dawn), covering the infant’s skin with light-colored clothing that does not attract insects, avoiding containers with stagnant water and “Discard” parks.

How do I protect my children against mosquitoes?


If you want to protect your child from possible mosquito bites, either because of the itchiness and discomfort they cause or because of the risk of contracting a disease, check that you are taking the following measures to prevent these accidents.

Tips to protect children at home

  • Use citronella and camphor torches and candles when children play in the garden. Outdoors, you can also use spirals with great care. If it is indoors, you can use scented candles with the scent of citronella, incense and other commercial or natural anti-mosquito products.
  • Place mosquito nets on the windows and doors of your children’s rooms, in addition to placing a mosquito net or tulle over the crib of babies and newborns.
  • Discard the bottom of your house and eliminate those containers that contain stagnant water since they are the conducive environment for insects to deposit their eggs.
  • Do not allow water to accumulate in discarded tires or industrial containers, ditches, swimming pools, natural low spots in the terrain, and storm drains.

Tips to protect children outside the home

  • Choose a light cotton clothing for your little ones, with long sleeves and pants, closed shoes and light colors to cover and take care of their skin.
  • Keep your children away from lakes, streams, swamps, swamps, and mangroves, especially during warm months, as they are ideal environments for these insects.

Mosquito Remedies

  • Avoid letting boys raise your body temperature too high since mosquitoes are attracted to warm bodies. Likewise, these insects like the lactic acid available on sweaty skin – fight them off with regular cool baths!
  • Rub some mentholated petroleum jelly on the critter’s ankles, wrists, and shoulders to scare away these critters. Otherwise, you can try lemon eucalyptus oil on children over 3 years old.
  • Consult your doctor regarding the use of mosquito repellants that contain 30% DEET or 15% Picaridin in older than two months. The latter is an effective chemical, odorless, odorless and non-irritating. You can also use lemon eucalyptus oil but only in people over 3 years old.
  • Consider a natural product, without chemicals, for your children. The natural oil extracted from camphor plants and citronella scares flies and mosquitoes.
  • Consult your pediatrician about the use of permothrin, a substance used to spray clothing to repel these insects and whose duration extends to 90 days, no matter how many washes you do.
    Why is my child always bitten by mosquitoes?

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