A Good Teacher Can Save Your Life

Every person had a good teacher in their school years who had a positive influence on their life, so much so that it marked a path of happiness and invaluable personal growth.
A good teacher can save your life

A good teacher is able to help a student beyond the academic field. And it is that, by spending many hours in the same environment, human relationships can become of greater importance than what can be thought at first glance.

A teacher can be, even without consciously intending to do so, the right guide to give the right word at the time of greatest need, in the right way.

How do you get it? Well, by speaking from wisdom, without projection of himself, and thanks to that good intention he has for his students.

Dedication, integrity, passion for the profession, discipline, commitment, responsibility and emotional intelligence are some of the most outstanding characteristics of a good teacher.

How to distinguish the good teacher?

A good teacher is one whose memory lingers in the memory in a positive way. The knowledge he gave us, whether academic or personal, had a sobering impact that, despite time, manages to inspire us. 

A good teacher can save your life.

Surely this teacher was concerned about making himself understood in a friendly and gentle way with his students. You may not even have said a word, but you have reached out at a difficult time and been there to support your student and help him find solutions.

In this sense, a good teacher will try not only to talk with parents or guardians about the situation that worries him, but he will also seek to take care of his student, within the measure of his possibilities, and will not leave him alone.

Main features

In addition to the features already mentioned above. A good teacher has the following skills, abilities, and behaviors:

  1. Clarity in the dialogue. It unfolds and explains clearly, thereby allowing a good relationship to exist between the students, parents or guardians, and himself.
  2. Proactivity. It focuses on finding solutions to problems in one way or another.
  3. They do not give up, they try to improve themselves and work themselves to be able to give their best, without wearing themselves out.
  4. Doubt is your best ally, since it allows you to develop a critical capacity. In this sense, a good teacher knows that questioning is necessary and useful for his students.
  5. He values ​​his students not only for their grades but for their effort and human quality.
  6. Try to analyze yourself and review your strategies as many times as necessary.
  7. He knows that at the end of the day, how the message is delivered matters more than the message alone.

In the classroom

They should never leave the tasks half done, since it is advisable to arrive at the final solution, although at first it may seem complicated.

The important thing is to keep the class motivated and attentive to all possible solutions. And how can this be achieved? Through questions, stories, dynamics, among others.

If they see that a student does not integrate, they do not force it, but they do worry about knowing what happens and what they can do about it. In other words , they try to make the student feel good in the classroom and to be able to take advantage of the activities, regardless of whether they decide to participate actively or not.

Likewise, a good teacher knows that he must maintain a fresh, pleasant attitude as well as a cordial and respectful treatment with his students.

Although the teacher is a human being and has problems, like everyone else, he will know how to find a way to make the classroom a healthy environment.

A good teacher can save your life.

A good teacher must be able to teach through their own authenticity and, of course, through the use of good pedagogy (or andragogy, as the case may be) in order to give a quality education.

A good teacher can appear at any time. Not just in preschool or elementary school. It may appear in adolescence or adulthood.

They may not even teach us directly, they may be the teachers of our younger siblings or our children.

What defines a good teacher?

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