Activity Calendar: Fun Discipline

Activity calendar: fun discipline

Helping children understand the sense of time with an activity calendar will allow them to be organized and responsible with their homework.

As babies get older, they try to understand other more complex issues that influence everyday life. Time is one of those concepts that generate great doubts in them and, therefore, it is important to try to teach them , for example, with an activity calendar so that they know how it is handled and can apply it to a daily routine.

On many occasions, we say: “tomorrow we are going to the park” or “your birthday is a month away” to inform them about an event. These promising phrases arouse strong anxiety in young children Above all, because they do not know how long to wait for the moment of fun to finally arrive.

Children may feel frustrated by not understanding the sense of time

Unfortunately, in most cases this ignorance generates frustration , stress and anger , that as parents we must try to channel with great patience and love so that they understand this factor that will always be present both in school activities and in moments of leisure.

The best way to explain what this factor is about is through a calendar of activities , which will allow you to understand the subject of dates, months and certain words such as today, yesterday, tomorrow, days, weeks, etc. In addition to this, you will instill the importance of fulfilling tasks, commitment and responsibility. dad.

Benefits of an activity calendar for children

Many parents consider that disciplining   a child is associated with the ability to impose a certain system of beliefs, customs and predetermined behaviors . Surely, those who think in this way will have to face other conflict situations with their children in the moments when they do not obey or want to use their own methodology.

The good news is that this classic perspective has been crumbling in recent years, to give space to another vision that brings parents and children closer from the understanding, the desire for rapport and the communication  constant. So discipline becomes fun that mixes with creativity and love.

Discipline does not have to become conflictive for children

What it works for

Under this context, an activity calendar is a perfect tool to create certain habits, teach the meaning of time and have fun together . Let’s see what are the most outstanding benefits of this resource:

  • Develop organizational skill : By setting priorities, the kings of the house will distinguish what they must solve in order of importance and discover what is expendable.
  • Schedule important appointments and events – They will give value to relevant dates like doctor’s appointments, birthday dates, room cleaning day, a favorite TV show, etc.
  • Pre-preparation for commitments : waiting for the arrival of a special event will teach them to be prepared for that moment and they will understand the consequences of improvisation.
  • Increase your own independence By recognizing what to do, they won’t need mom or dad to remind them of unfinished business every second.
  • Promotes the reading and writing process : Doing it on their own forces them to put into practice what they learn in school.
  • Emotional self-regulation: gives them the ability to anticipate an activity and know when it ends.
  • Promotes expression and self-esteem: it is certainly an opportunity for them to share how they feel about a task.
  • Development of cognitive skills: the order, the memory  and anticipation are reinforced with this easy-to-understand element.

Calendars and school

At the beginning of school age, the little ones will need a method to organize their activities . With a fun calendar, they will be in an appropriate order that will motivate them to reach their own goals and feel encouraged to keep going.

Mommy and daddy can take advantage of creating this organizer with original or recycled materials . Even if you know that your child dreams of reaching the Moon, you can design a calendar allusive to space; or if you want to be a dancer of ballet , emphasize drawings such as sneakers, musical notes, among others.

Activity calendars are perfect for improving academic performance

The perception that our little angels have of time and responsibility depends on how we guide them in this regard. . Therefore, you have to show them that doing homework is as incredible as having fun.

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