Babar Magazine: Everything You Need To Know About Children’s Literature

Children’s literature magazines are another different way to be fully informed of the latest news in the field of reading.
Babar magazine: everything you need to know about children's literature

If we want to be up to date with the latest news in any of the fields, such as children’s literature, or other aspects of life, we currently turn to social networks. However,  until a few years ago social networks did not exist. So how was this information obtained?

One of the media most used for this were magazines and newspapers, these media that, despite the emergence of new technologies, have known how to adapt to change and continue to be present. It is precisely to this change that one of the best magazines specialized in children’s literature that exist and that we want to talk about was adapted.

How did this children’s literature magazine come about?

Although at present Babar is of great importance and value within children’s literature, in its beginnings this was not its objective.  As we said before, until a few years ago, social networks and digital were not part of people’s daily lives, so magazines were still entirely in print.

And it is in this format that Babar was created in 1989, specifically, as a project to encourage reading in the municipality of Arganda del Rey, located in Madrid, at the Federico GarcĂ­a Lorca school.

Babar Magazine: everything you need to know about children's literature.

This magazine was so successful within the walls of the school that, over the years, it was developed in greater depth and expanded borders until it became the most important portal specialized in children’s and young people’s literature and with more information that exists in the actuality.

The arrival of the Internet

However, we cannot forget that the internet and everything digital came into our lives and changed our way of seeing the world. For this reason,  from the year 2000, Babar began to create a website with specialized information. Also, little by little, they began to create different profiles on different social networks with the simple objective of making themselves known.

In addition to the economic savings that the digital publication of the magazine meant, the initiative to open the website and the different accounts on social networks made this magazine expand its visits and become known worldwide.

To demonstrate the evolution of Babar, as well as to be able to consult each and every one of the issues that have been created since its inception, the Miguel de Cervantes Virtual Library has the printed issues of this magazine digitized on its website.


Such is the importance of this magazine that during its history it has received two recognitions for its quality. In the first place, in 2006, the General Council of Children’s and Youth Books awarded them the Platero Prize.

Closer is the award they received in 2017, from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports, for winning the National Prize for the Promotion of Reading. Undoubtedly, two awards that recognize the importance and quality of each of the letters that are written to be part of this magazine.

What can we find in this magazine about children’s literature?

There are several sections into which it is divided. While it is true that this division is perfectly designed to quickly and easily find the information that one wants to read. Next, we tell you some of the most outstanding ones.

Babar Magazine: everything you need to know about children's literature.

Children’s literature books

Children’s literature is made up of books and its importance lies in them. For this reason, Babar magazine classifies books by different types. In each of these typologies we can find an article with the most outstanding books. Illustrated albums, poetry, theater or narrative are some of those that we can find.


One of the lesser known faces of children’s literature is the people who are ‘behind’ the stories that are created. Those that prepare everything necessary so that children can have children’s books in their hands.

In this ‘interviews’ section, you will be able to meet different authors, illustrators or editors, among other people from the field of children’s literature, who can contribute a lot of culture and new information about this field.


All the opportunities to demonstrate the talent of writers and other people who are dedicated to children’s and young people’s literature are included in this section.

As its name indicates, in the ‘awards’ section, Babar magazine collects different calls for awards that are related to children’s and young people’s literature, and offers very detailed information on each of them.

Children's books to search and discover

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