Benefits Of Ecological Diapers

Benefits of eco-friendly diapers

To be honest, to begin with, using eco-friendly diapers will make your baby happier than you are, but in the long run, the time you spent putting the diapers in the washing machine instead of the trash can will benefit both of you because the process of putting the diapers down diapers will be easier. With cloth diapers your baby will feel freer and as he grows he will become more aware of what is happening in his body and, in addition, you will be helping to conserve the planet that we all inhabit.

The ecological diapers that are the most evolved version of those used by our mothers or grandmothers and among their benefits, the softness that it provides to the baby’s skin stands out. Using an ecological diaper gives you a more pleasant sensation than the disposable diaper, which is essentially plastic and therefore warm.

Not to mention how free you will feel wearing a cloth diaper, because you will perceive that you are practically with your tail in the air, because you will feel the breeze circulating and you will also notice that you eventually pee and wet the cloth. And although it seems contradictory, the most obvious advantage of ecological diapers, when compared to disposable ones, is that they will make your child learn to go to the bathroom faster and easier.

Cloth diapers

It is more than proven that boys and girls who use ecological diapers learn to go to the bathroom earlier than those who do not. The point is that cloth diapers help children learn to control their toilet bowels more easily because they become aware of how uncomfortable or unpleasant it is to play, walk or simply be in a diaper so heavy due to the load of urine or poop that it has on top.

A child who wears cloth diapers immediately notices when he is wet or full of poo and that awareness helps him control his bowel movements to avoid feeling wet and therefore limited when playing; On the other hand, when you use disposable diapers, it will take more time to learn to realize what is happening to your body because you do not notice if it got wet or not.

Gel-free diapers

Another point in favor of this type of diapers is that they do not have gels. For example, disposable diapers contain polyacrylate gel whose use in is relatively new and therefore the consequences of its long-term effects are not yet known. They also contain many dioxins that, although they are certainly also used in cloth diapers, these are eliminated in the washing and do not come into contact with the baby’s skin.

The chemical components of these gels can cause allergies in the delicate skin of the baby, not in vain pediatricians recommend mothers of premature babies to use ecological diapers, especially so that the child avoids contact with sodium polyacrylate, a substance that was eliminated in 1985 from tampons due to their link to toxic collapse syndrome and containing disposable diapers.

More economical


Another benefit of eco-friendly diapers is that they will help you save money. If you add up what you will spend buying cloth diapers, the covers you need to use when the baby is in the crib, the soap, water and electricity involved in washing them, you will be saving money.

Before deciding whether or not to use an ecological diaper, it is better that you try one and even use it according to your needs. There is no reason to fall into extremism and if for example you go on a trip or to a party with your baby and you feel more comfortable if he uses disposable diapers, then use them, there is no crime in it.

Surely, if you use them for eventualities and baby regularly has over cloth diapers that you chose and go well with the lifestyle that takes your family, you will be reducing the extent of your possibilities the use of disposable diapers, which consumption per child during the first two years of life is estimated at around 8,000 units that will take between 200 and 500 years to destroy.

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