Benefits Of Poetry For Children

If we think of poetry, what comes to mind? Perhaps we are thinking of long poems by renowned poets such as Bécquer, Alberti or Cernuda? Or do we think of the simple rhymes of our childhood? All of this is related to the importance and benefits of poetry for children.
Benefits of poetry for children

Depending on how your parents, teachers and educators approached the subject of poetry when you were a child, your memories will be more or less happy. You can think of poetry as something difficult to understand or even boring or, conversely, feel it as something exciting and fun. We are going to see in this article the benefits of poetry for children and understand all these issues.

Poetry, actually, is something positive, something happy. With poetry,  the rhythm of words that flow together to form a story with rich language comes to life. So yes, poetry is important to children and it brings many benefits.

The benefits of poetry for children are many and incredible. It plays a very important role in the development of children. It helps them develop language, enhance memory skills, expand their vocabulary, and even expand their relationships. We are going to look at each of those topics.

Benefits of poetry for children

Language development

If you want to develop a child’s language, look no further. This is the most basic benefit of all that poetry brings to a child. It is a great tool for this. With rhymes, children can easily learn new words and develop their language.

Poetry book.

Having children read poems aloud helps them practice pitch, voice inflection, and volume. Although all of this may seem relatively simple, in reality, we are talking about skills that are totally necessary for language development.

Cognitive development of the child

In addition to fostering a child’s language development, poetry is also great for their cognitive development. When we read poems to children, they begin to understand that words can sound similar and have different meanings.

Due to the repetitive nature of poems – in words or by meter –  poetry helps children recognize patterns. In addition, it is an excellent way to strengthen the memory of the child. These skills will be extremely useful for future learning of other subjects, such as mathematics or new languages.

Vocabulary development, one of the greatest benefits of poetry for children

Although we have made mention of vocabulary when talking about language development, this is a benefit of poetry for children worth noting separately. A good understanding of the language and a complete vocabulary is a great quality in a person.

Reading, in general, is a great way to build vocabulary, but poetry can double a child’s exposure to new words. This is implicit in the very nature of poetry, since it requires a precise vocabulary that matches the rhythm and rhyme of the poem.

Grandfather reading a children's poetry book to his grandson.

Interpersonal development

If we, as parents, are the ones who read poetry to children, we will be strengthening our relationship and strengthening bonds of union in a unique and special way. Sharing a common interest and passion such as that which can be created for poetry is something very valuable.

In addition to strengthening the parent-child relationship, by reading poetry to children, they will grow in their relationships with others. By reading poems, children are given various perspectives on the world in which they live.

They can also  know different points of view and understand differences between different cultures and beliefs. Learn to distinguish what is correct from what is incorrect, develop a taste for good literature, and even feel empathy for others.

So, ultimately, reading short and simple poems with children can make them grow in a very interesting way. Educating children to know and love poetry will benefit them not only in school, but also in their careers, personal relationships, and in their day-to-day lives.

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