Biodanza In Childhood

Discover what the wonderful art of biodanza in childhood is about, what are its benefits and other information of your interest.
Biodanza in childhood

Surely you want your child to have the best development of his potentialities. One way to do this is to develop motor skills and your ability to express yourself freely with others. The most effective way to achieve this is through biodanza in childhood.

Biodanza is an activity that involves multiple benefits. For example, children learn to socialize, experience new sensations, as well as interact with each other, get to know their body better, among others.

Biodanza in childhood.

What is biodanza?

This is a practice known as the “dance of life” due to its composition of the Greek word “Bio” and the Spanish word “Dance”.

It is a system where people manage to integrate into society through the rhythm of music with spontaneous movements and group interactions, a space is created in which the person can show their personality, without being judged.

Through Biodanza a unique space of fun and joy is created. In addition, you can let go of repressed feelings and you learn to enjoy life. This also implies an increase in self-esteem and self-confidence.

Biodanza for children

In childhood, children have the potential to develop their potential progressively. But, unfortunately, many children do not achieve it due to lack of self-esteem, of interaction with others, among other reasons.

For this reason, biodanza is ideal for your child, as he develops his abilities in a comfortable environment. It is achieved through music, play, expressiveness in movements, together with other children.

Also, it has been confirmed that dance, if practiced from childhood, allows the child to know his body in a dynamic, spontaneous and, above all, useful for life.

The most curious thing is that biodanza in childhood does not have predetermined choreographies. There are no rules imposed and the only one that does apply is: enjoy. Dance as if no one was watching and let out all that accumulated joy inside.

No sophisticated movements are required and simple gestures are valued as a means of spontaneity. On the other hand, everyone’s way of expressing themselves is respected.

Benefits of biodanza in childhood

Skills development

Your child develops fine motor skills, that is, the precision to perform certain activities. Such as: cutting vegetables, writing, drawing, among others. Skill development increases well-being and generates great personal satisfaction.

Maintains the health of the body

Standing upright helps your child to have good self-esteem and to socialize naturally with others. But getting your child to maintain posture requires daily attention, as  biodanza helps children maintain good posture. And how is that? Knowing that to move it is necessary to know how to position the different parts of the body so as not to hurt yourself and to be able to achieve what you want, the best posture is sought and movements are intelligently executed.

Biodanza in childhood.

Stimulates brain function

By gaining well-being, releasing tension, and allowing for spontaneity, the brain is greatly enhanced. Physical activity sends impulses to the brain that are translated into stimulation and, therefore, positive effects are obtained in the body.

When walking, there is an interaction with our brain, which is stimulated through the nervous system. As when riding a bicycle, the brain is stimulated more, the same happens when dancing.

Biodanza in childhood manages to refine the nervous system by teaching concrete steps in children, thus achieving intellectual development in your child that will benefit him for the rest of his life.

Therefore, do not waste your child’s childhood, help him develop his self-esteem, his ability to socialize and face his fears through biodanza in childhood; a fun and effective system. Remember that you will need to practice regularly to enjoy it to the fullest.

The benefits of dance for children

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