Changes In The Breasts During Pregnancy

As is well known, a woman’s body undergoes all kinds of changes during pregnancy. Now, when it comes to breasts, there are several things to comment on. Below we reveal more about it.
Changes in the breasts during pregnancy

Beyond the noticeable and progressive increase in the volume of the breasts during pregnancy, there are other signs that indicate that the woman is preparing for the moment of breastfeeding her baby.  And what are these changes in the breasts due to? To the hormonal activity that occurs in the body and the respective increase in blood flow in the breast area. Although the changes do not become evident until week 4 or 6 of the pregnancy.

However, many women report feeling their breasts a little swollen and a certain tingling sensation before their first menstrual period. In some cases, they may even feel pain similar to PMS.

How are the changes in the breasts during pregnancy?

Preparing for the breast milk supply will  not only involve the enlargement of the breasts, but also some discomfort, such as those mentioned above. These discomforts are usually temporary and of short duration, so they do not impede the woman’s daily activities.

Here we explain in detail the different changes in the breasts during pregnancy. You will see that hypersensitivity due to the friction of certain clothing fabrics can affect women.

Changes in the breasts during pregnancy.

Size and volume

The breasts begin to grow almost from the first week of gestation. Once the 8th week of pregnancy arrives, they will have already reached an evident size and volume that will make the woman have a more rounded appearance (according to the growth of hips and belly). In some cases, the increase in size and volume can lead to back pain.

Color and size of nipples and areolas

In addition to breast growth, pregnant women also experience other types of changes, such as the color change in their nipples. The tonality of these, in general, tends to darken and can create some discomfort.

Among the hormonal changes that occur in pregnancy, the increase in melanin causes the skin color of the nipples to darken considerably. In addition, this can cause, in some women, the appearance of freckles or spots on the face, back, arms, etc.

On the other hand, the size of the nipples also increases, so the areola becomes wider than usual and becomes more mobile to facilitate feeding the baby.

Breast skin stretches

As the breasts grow, the skin stretches, so it is normal for the veins in the area to be seen more easily. In the same way, this dilation of the skin can reach the end of its capacity, thus promoting the appearance of stretch marks.

However, the appearance of these marks can be both prevented and concealed by applying moisturizers or special lotions for stretch marks with a good massage.

Breast lubrication

To keep the nipples well lubricated and hydrated for the baby, the body thickens the Montgomery glands, that is, those small lumps that are distinguished in the areola and that are loaded with an oily substance when breastfeeding our children .

The breasts begin to leak

At the third month of gestation, there are women who experience the secretion of the so-called ‘colostrum’. This leakage could increase during the last weeks of pregnancy. How is it evidenced? Colostrum is the trace of thick, yellow substance that remains in a woman’s bra.

In case of presenting colostrum secretion, the use of disposable or washable pads is recommended. It is also not advisable to let the nipples dry well in the open air after each bath to avoid over-drying them. Instead, the use of cotton bras with reinforced supports is recommended.

In conclusion

Changes in the breasts during pregnancy do not usually impede the development of daily life for women, however, if so, you should immediately consult a doctor.

To alleviate the discomfort caused by these changes, you can resort to some innocuous actions, such as massages and the placement of moisturizers. Of course, it is important to wear the appropriate clothing and avoid tightening the area with a garment of low elasticity. 

How to take care of your breasts while breastfeeding?

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