Children’s Books About The Seasons Of The Year

The four seasons of the year are known to all children. However, little else they know about them. Today we show you a different and fun method so that you know more information about each of them.
Children's books about the seasons of the year

The weather changes as the year progresses, and each time one of those changes occurs, a different season of the year arrives. Children can know the seasons of the year because they have heard about them. However, on many occasions, they do not know what characterizes each of them.

Children’s books are one of the best tools to show this series of concepts. If we also use them in family activities as a complement, both will become the perfect tandem for the little ones to know more about summer, winter, spring and autumn.

Children’s books about the seasons of the year

1. The summer book

Children’s books on the seasons of the year are intended primarily for the first readers. For this reason, this collection of four titles does not have any text and its importance is based on the wonderful illustrations on its pages.

As it contains no text, it can also be a great tool to use with pre-readers, turning this collection of titles into a book to search and find. All the illustrations will be related to the season of the year to which the title of the collection refers, since there is a title for each one:

  • The summer book.
  • The one in winter.
  • The book of spring.
  • The book of autumn.
    Children's books about the seasons of the year.

These books will also be ideal for developing children’s imagination since, not having a pattern to follow, they can imagine hundreds of different stories with the characters found in them.

2. The 4 seasons from the great tree

Unlike the titles we recommended in the previous point, this book contains small short phrases, aimed at the first readers. In this way, the target audience is expanded, as both pre-readers can enjoy it, due to its wonderful illustrations with lots of details, as well as those who begin to read to practice reading.

The protagonist of this fantastic illustrated album is an owl that, throughout the seasons, will accompany readers and show them the different things that happen in each of them. Undoubtedly, a great book to enjoy as a family with lots of color, good illustrations and the die-cutting technique to give an extra point of fun to its pages.

3. The four songs , a children’s book about the different seasons of the year

A different way of knowing the seasons of the year and the elements attached to each of them is through poetry. And of these poems is composed The Four Songs,  including among its verses the flowers, the snow or the leaves, as outstanding elements of each season.

Different but very striking illustrations complement this fantastic illustrated album that will attract the attention of the little ones for its rhymes and its rhythm.

More children’s books about the seasons of the year

4. The feast of the seasons

One of the objectives of children’s books is to amuse and entertain the little ones. For this reason, The Festival of the Seasons  is a book full of fun and entertainment, while, through its pages, a lot of information is discovered. Cooking recipes, riddles, poetry and a host of different activities await you between the pages of this book.

In addition to explaining the different elements that are identified with each season of the year, it also includes other equally important information that children should associate:

  • The clothes to wear in each season.
  • The special days of the year that are in that season.
  • The foods of the season.
    Children's books about the seasons of the year.

    It is, thus, a very complete and great book to work with the little ones, complementing it, in addition, with the crafts we talked about at the beginning.

    5. The seasons

    This book contains all the aspects that most often attract the attention of children: animals, the seasons of the year and nature. And it is that the seasons of the year mark the rhythm of life of people, but also of animals, plants and nature that we find around us.

    A great way for children to understand this is to use this book and show them the cycle of life and the adaptation of each one, according to the season in which we are.

    6. Oh! Seasons

    As we indicated before, the seasons mark the life cycle of everything and everyone. In this book we will find information through its images and text with the aim that the little ones observe, discover and relate concepts. In this way, your curiosity will be resolved in the best possible way: through a book and in a very fun way.

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