Children’s Books To Cope With Boredom

Children’s literature is one of the best activities to promote during this quarantine.
Children's books to cope with boredom

In the quarantine stage in which we find ourselves today, any activity aimed at the little ones is welcome to get through their days. One of the best ways to entertain them, in addition to encouraging, in this case, reading, are children’s books.

Although anyone can be valid these days, there are certain books that, due to their themes, their ways of narrating, their illustrations and even their activities are more suitable for these days.

For this reason, below we leave you a series of children’s books to cope with the boredom of the little ones and make these days as bearable and fun as possible for them.

Children’s books to cope with boredom

Who was it? 101 cases to solve in 5 minutes

Intrigue, cunning, and mystery-solving books are some of the favorites among young readers. The frenetic pace of their stories and their characters, who are usually detectives, hook them until they finish their pages.

In this case, two young detectives are the protagonists, and they will have to solve 101 cases. All these cases will have different activities that have to be solved : hieroglyphs, clues, enigmas …

One of the recommended children’s books for those over seven years old with which your children will have the most fun and entertain. In addition, they will exercise memory, mind and reaction capacity with all the exercises that are proposed.

Mother reading children's books to her children to cope with boredom in quarantine.

The anti-boredom book, one of the best children’s books to cope with boredom

Just by looking at its title we can already get an idea that this will be one of the best children’s books to cope with boredom in these days of quarantine.

In its pages, children over the age of seven or eight will be able to find numerous different activities, which make it an ideal book so as not to tire of it for its variations.

Curiosities , jokes, riddles, memory and word games … are some of the fun proposals that this book offers. The best: children will have fun and be entertained while their minds do not stop exercising, even if they hardly realize it.

The colored monster through a  kamishibai

Telling stories using a kamishibai is still a fairly unknown activity in our country. For this reason, few families will have one of these portable theaters in their homes to represent stories.

However, many of them have in their homes one of the best-known and most widely used children’s literature books in history: The Color Monster .

That is why, through online tutorials, and with the materials to make crafts that you have at home, we encourage you to build your own kamishibai.

Once you have it built, the little ones will be able to create drawings of the most outstanding illustrations in the book. In this way, you will have already created the story to enjoy and you will have spent a lot of time preparing the entire activity.

More children’s books to cope with boredom

Giraffes can’t dance

The books that contain pop-up between their pages fascinate the little ones. If we add to this that the protagonists of this particular story are a group of animals, this book will become one of the favorites of the little ones.

Mother and son reading a story on the couch during their quarantine to cope with boredom.

Recommended for children from three or four years old, in their story they will find a tender message that will help to treat certain values ​​with the little ones. A book that children will not want to stop opening again and again when they see its beautiful pop-up and illustrations.

There is a monster in your book

A monster has crept into this book and, therefore, young readers from three years of age will be chosen to entertain the little monster through a series of activities that the book proposes and that will fascinate them.

However, although they are the ones who have to entertain the monster, their own entertainment will also be covered, because the activities that the book proposes will be extremely fun: tickling, blowing and many others.

The Harry Potter  collection for the elderly

Although the most famous saga of books in history has already been read by thousands of young people, there is a large percentage who have not yet dared to delve into its stories.

This is the moment. The stories of friendship, love, fantasy, magic and adventures of all the titles that complement the collection will make the elderly enjoy in a magical way.

We assure you that the quarantine will be much more bearable and will pass much faster if you dare to read.

In short, the most successful book-games

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