Covering The Baby’s Stroller With Blankets Can Be Risky

Although your baby should be protected from extreme temperatures, using too many blankets can have the opposite effect. In this article we explain how to be more careful when walking your baby.
Covering the stroller with blankets can be risky

For parents, the main priority is that their children are well and feel safe. Now, in the summer when the weather is hot or in winter when it is cold, parents usually cover the baby’s stroller with blankets. The idea is to try to keep your children as far away from the sun or humidity, protecting them from diseases.

When the child is small, it has mostly been observed that the parents place it in the car and on it a blanket. This will undoubtedly protect you from the sun or the breeze, but is it convenient to do so? This solution is believed to be not a good idea because it may harm the baby.

It can be risky to cover the stroller with blankets

This practice can be very dangerous for your child’s health according to the warnings of the Swedish pediatrician Svante Norgren. It may seem like a harmless action, but it is the opposite. The reason is that covering with blankets, manages to protect from external agents, but contributes to a high temperature radical.

Through an investigation, this pediatrician found that a baby in the car can reach a temperature of 22 degrees. However, for half an hour covered with a blanket it reached 34 degrees. After an hour it rose to 37 degrees, that is, it rose 15 degrees in just one hour.


So, you can’t imagine the temperature that that car covered with a blanket reaches during a walk. It is evident that it affects the health of the child and parents can not notice it because they do not imagine this.

Covering the car with blankets is not the only option

During hot summer weather there are several ways to protect children while riding in the car. Covering with blankets is not the only way to protect your baby in the car. While we take care of it, it is possible to provide good air flow and comfort. Other recommendations to take into account are the following.

  • Provide enough water.
  • Ride in the shade. It is highly recommended to drive through wooded areas.
  • Putting on sunscreen.
  • You can use a tall umbrella that can be commensurate with the circulation of the air flow
  • Do not expose babies during the hottest hours of the day. Keep them indoors from 11am to 5pm.
  • In this option if it is kept indoors, keep the doors and windows open that can facilitate air circulation.

However, for future parents, they should choose a car that has a protector or umbrella. This device is suitable so that the baby also gets enough air. It is important to know that when a baby experiences a rise in temperature, it is difficult for him to communicate his discomfort. You may be irritable or even fall asleep, the latter can be fatal.

Why talk about sudden death on this topic?

Sudden Death Syndrome refers to the sudden and unexpected death of a child under 1 year of age. This issue has a lot to do with covering a baby’s stroller with blankets. Sudden death is known to be radically increased by increasing temperature. For this reason we can talk about how a car covered with blankets can trigger this phenomenon.

By exposing the baby to intense heat, we run many risks. For example, we can cause your breathing to stop and suffocate from the high temperatures inside the car.

“If a baby’s temperature rises excessively, it can interpret that it has returned to the uterus, so that breathing can stop”

– Svante Norgren-

For this reason, parents and those who will be in the future, should take these recommendations. Most want to be informed about what is good for their children’s health. It is also important to know what can endanger your well-being and even your life. We know that children are our priority and responsibility, therefore we must take care of them in the best way.

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