Dear Mom, Thanks For Being

Dear mom: thank you for being

Dear Mom, I don’t know how to tell you how important you are to me. You have always been by my side, supporting me and loving me. You have made me feel infinitely unique and special, and for that today I want to thank you.

I know that we are not as close as before. When I was younger we always made time for each other. I remember playing together, laughing, and doing a thousand fun things. Sometimes we went to the movies, shopping, or just going for a walk.

I didn’t care where I went, as long as you were with me. Every second shared was a moment of happiness that he wished would never end.

It didn’t matter if it was cold or rainy, because you knew how to find the good side of even the most adverse weather.

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You taught me to be positive. Not to sink in the face of small daily problems, even though sometimes I just wanted to hide from them. You always told me that in this life you had to be brave, because there were already too many cowards.

My dear mom, I wish there were more people like you. People willing to help others without expecting anything in return, just trying to do good. In this world corrupted by war and hatred, you are the light in the dark.

Dear mom, thanks for the annoyances

I remember each and every one of our discussions. Although they are not moments worth yearning for, my mind treasures them as if they were gold. Over time they have become valuable life lessons that have helped me to mature.

Who was going to tell me when we yelled at each other and argued that I could get something good out of that situation. That so many tears and annoyances would be for my good, and that I would be eternally grateful. Had it not been for your corrections, I would never have learned to do things properly.

You have always been the first to advise me, to explain to me the things that I have done wrong. Many mothers would not have had your temperance and your serenity when it came to scolding me. I’m sorry for all those times when I reacted badly, treating you unfairly.

You are one of the most wonderful people I have in this life, my dear mom. She may seem cold or too independent at times, but that doesn’t mean anything. Despite everything, my love for you remains unstoppable.

What unites us is too strong to be destroyed. No matter what happened, I always know that you will be with me when I need it. What we both feel is something so intimate and beautiful that not even death will be able to with it.

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I need you in my future, and also in my present

When I was a little girl I thought that growing up I wouldn’t need you. I imagined myself becoming a strong and confident adult, without needing to feel protected. And you don’t know how wrong I was.

You can’t imagine how many sleepless nights I’ve spent thinking about you, missing you. Wanting to go back to childhood again, feeling safe by your side.

I have come to the conclusion that no matter how much I grow, I will always need my mother. That wise voice that gives me the best advice; that confidant who keeps the darkest secrets; the only person in the world that I know I can trust blindly.

Even when my turn comes and I have children of my own, you will continue to be my main support. The bond we have is something difficult to match, and I feel very lucky. With just one look we know what the other thinks, and that is something wonderful.

I know some people who have not had my luck. That, unfortunately, they have toxic mothers, who treat them badly and make them feel miserable. I would like to be able to share you with them, so that they would know what it is that they love you in this way: without reservation.

Sometimes I feel scared, because I don’t think I can do it as well as you. It terrifies me to think that I will not measure up, and that I will not know how to give my children the love that you have given me. I know you will tell me this is silly, but it is horrible to think that I will never measure up to you.

That is why, dear mom, I want you to accompany me on this journey. I hope that we will find time again to see each other, to chat and advise each other. I am aware of how great it is to have you in my life, and I want to take advantage of it. Thank you very much for being, always and before all forecasts.

I love you mom.

Unconditional and eternal love.  Mother's Love

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