Discover The Story Of The World’s Most Premature Baby

Discover the story of the world's most premature baby

He is already 7 years old. And although he has certain lung problems and a heart murmur, his life unfolds as normally as any other child. The story of Jett Morris’ first days of life outside of his mother’s womb is a fighting lesson like few others… He was the world’s most premature baby.

The world’s most premature baby

It is such a small baby that it could slip through the hands of its parents. His impressive evolution of how trust, faith and love work miracles. Jett Morris is a living miracle.

She came into the world with just 25 weeks of gestation. His chances of dying in a few days were so great that he was classified by the doctors who treated his case as a non-viable fetus. Despite all this, the fight story that he starred in with his parents Mhairi and Paul Morris, has a very happy ending that we invite you to know.

It all started in the 20th week of pregnancy, when Mhairi broke her waters. Jett was about five months pregnant. Her mother was seen for the first time by specialists at East Surrey Hospital. They did not think that the baby could be born alive, therefore they advised her, without thinking twice, to end her pregnancy.

Against all odds

The pressure on the Morrises from doctors to abort the baby was strong. They based their recommendation on their theoretical knowledge. Which indicated that at that age the baby would not be able to breathe outside the uterus, since his lungs were not developed.

Their notions also told them that under these conditions the baby’s brain would be damaged. To make matters worse, the opinion of the doctors could not be compared with successful experiences, since there were no cases prior to Jett’s birth that could encourage his prognosis.

more premature baby

Doctors were not prepared to treat premature babies born before week 28. Yet Jett was born at Portsmouth Hospital. One of the things Jett’s mother regrets when she recalls being in East Surrey Hospital is realizing that many women “have been forced to abort when their children could have been viable.” “Miracles happen every day,” says Mhairi convinced.

A history of struggle

Mhairi, accompanied and supported by her husband Paul, was able to resist the diagnoses of doctors and nurses. The whole family endured a lengthy hospital stay in Portmouth, which included the five weeks in which the baby remained in the womb, still with loss of amniotic fluid.

The determination of the Morris family was the key for the miracle to begin to happen. They decided to continue with their plan, and the certainty that their experience was exceptional never dampened their conviction that they could achieve it. They always knew that they had to overcome adversity to get ahead.

The Morris family neglected the medical diagnosis and against all prognosis in week 25 Jett was born in the hospital in Portsmouth, United Kingdom. By the time he was the most premature baby ever born in the world. And his story became a unique case that never ceases to amaze humanity.

Jett came into the world on December 6, 2013, with respiratory problems due to his undeveloped lungs. And on March 5, 2014, three months after he was born, and having breathed with oxygen assistance until May, he was able to go home.

The world’s most premature baby is still growing

more premature baby

When he was born weighing 624 grams, at that time the size of his little body was equivalent to the palm of his father’s hand. And despite the fact that he was already born, the doctors in Portsmouth believed that he would not be able to live for little more than a few hours or maybe a few days. He was certainly born with liver and lung problems, heart murmurs, and some of his organs had not fully developed.

But, the chain of events that began to occur after Jett’s birth is simply amazing. So much so that it leads many to classify it as a miracle. The baby managed to overcome his first days of life and the best of all is that he was improving little by little in his incubator and thanks to the help of the doctors.

Every day it got stronger and stronger. And as his body grew, he did all the necessary tasks to correct as many problems as possible. The murmurs in his heart began to close and after a few months he began to breathe on his own. As the months passed, his life changed for the better.

Today, when Jett turned 7 years old, he is healthy and will be an adult with a normal life, his parents count what he experienced as a miracle. “I know that doctors should be realistic and pose the worst case scenario, but no two people are alike in the world and they didn’t even give Jett a chance, says the mother of the world’s most premature baby.

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