Eating As A Family Strengthens Our Ties

Eating as a family strengthens our ties

Eating as a family should be the fundamental nutrient in every child’s diet. Well, sharing the table with the various members of the home has the gift of strengthening family ties. So don’t miss out on these delicious daily bonding opportunities at home.

Today the customs have changed. Fatigue of parents after their hard daily work or children’s predilection for fast food have changed everything. Well, in short, sitting down to enjoy family dinner has become less and less frequent.

However, science has ruled on this in a surprising way. Thus, specialists maintain that resuming the healthy habit of eating as a family can guarantee good health. There are even several positive points that have been pointed out in their studies.

Discover in this article all the benefits that come from such a beautiful habit. And you, do you have lunch or dinner as a family? Well, after reading this note, you will begin to see with different eyes what you believed to be a mere eating habit, but it has the unexpected strengthening of bonds.

Reasons to eat as a family

In fact, there are several reasons to return to that healthy habit of eating as a family. Of course, all of them are of vital importance not only for individual physical health but also at the family union level.

In the first instance, it is undeniable that eating as a family improves the diet of your children. Nothing better than homemade food made with love and the noblest nutrients. In addition, it establishes routine schedules and encourages children’s collaboration when setting the table.

parents with their daughter in a restaurant

On the other hand, it is a reality that sharing the table helps reduce the risk of suffering from certain eating disorders and addiction to substances that are harmful to health. Bulimia, anorexia and obesity are some diseases that you can avoid with this single habit.

It has even been scientifically proven that eating as a family necessarily implies a greater consumption of fruits, vegetables and milk. In contrast, reduce your intake of soda, saturated and trans fats. Without a doubt, a change with a high impact on the nutrition and health of the youngest children.

As if all this were not enough, the fact of sharing a meal with our children supposes their inability to skip fundamental meals, for example, breakfast. Eating breakfast properly leads to a better assimilation of essential nutrients, extremely important in the development of children.

 Eating as a family, a tool to strengthen ties

If you thought you had read everything, you are wrong. Because eating as a family has an even more important benefit: uniting the family. It then becomes a useful and valuable tool capable of strengthening ties between household members.

Sharing a moment where dialogue reigns and where opinions can be shared as a family is one of his gifts. Hence there may be some anecdotes or the feeling of unity that this noble habit can awaken.

So having lunch or dinner together at home can improve communication at home, as well as a child’s ability to relate to other people. Undoubtedly, there are plenty of reasons to share at least one meal a day.

Of course, the ideal thing is that eating as a family should not be an unhappy moment. Shared meals should become pleasant moments where there is no room for fights or arguments.  Logically, if every meal turns dark, dropouts will begin at the table.

On the contrary, if a pleasant atmosphere reigns in the dining room or kitchen, chances are that all members of the family will want to repeat that experience with pleasure. Faced with immaculate moments, you will have guaranteed success. So you have the whole home to get it.

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