Educating Children With The AEIOU Method

It is important to educate from love and respect. With the AEIOU method, we achieve that, in addition to improving the relationship between parents and children.
Educating children with the AEIOU method

The AEIOU method is a method to educate children with respect and love and to promote, in this way, child development and a better relationship between parents and children.

Some parents think that the most appropriate way to educate is to do it with a heavy hand, imposing their authority and instilling fear so that children obey, that is, carry out an authoritarian parenting. While others take a totally permissive stance in which parents comply with all the wishes of their children, without setting limits, even when they misbehave.

What is the AEIOU method about?

The coach Samantha Biosca has created this method that establishes five points which she believes are key to children ‘s education. They are a series of guidelines that parents have to follow in their day-to-day relationship with their children in order, in this way, to have an adequate educational model.

Father talking with his children on the sofa and carrying out the AEIOU method of education.

These 5 points are determined by each of the vowels of the alphabet. Let’s see them.

A: learn to listen

When our children speak, it is not enough to just hear what they say, but we must pay attention to what their body language says, which also expresses a lot. Children often say more with body expression than with language, since this is much smaller.

For this reason, when the little ones speak to us, we must give them all the attention in the world and pay attention to their corporal expression and what they say to us. In this way, they will feel understood and we will understand better what they want to tell us.

E: exemplify

We are all clear that children learn by imitating and following models that are their parents. If parents are all day with the mobile, then we can not expect them to leave it so easily.

Parents are the role models of our children, so they take it for granted that everything we do is well done. So, if you want your children to be empathetic, autonomous and responsible adults, set an example.

I: get informed

It is clear that in the education of children there are no magic formulas, but what we can do is have and get all the information possible about the education of children. There are books and manuals about it. But we are also in the age of the internet, so whatever you look for on the net you can find it.

But it is important that you know how to distinguish between valuable information from what is not. Since on the internet there is not only true and valid information, but there are many other references that should not be believed.

Or: order

Teaching children from a young age to be orderly is something fundamental so that they continue to be ordered in their adult lives. With this order we not only mean to organize your room, but also to have a mental order. And how do we get this? Establishing, from a young age, schedules and routines that help them keep an order. Children need limits and habits to have greater security and to function better in their life.

Mother using the 3 wake-up call technique with her daughter to make her heed.

U: unify

By unifying we mean two things:

  • By being consistent in the child’s education. We must always follow the guidelines that we have established with the rules and limits. For example, if we have established that if he does not pick up his toys there is no TV, and then he does not, but he does watch television, we are not being coherent.
  • The educational styles of both parents have to be the same and, if one of them does not agree with something about the other, before the children we must be united and agree to avoid, thus, incongruities that can generate insecurities in the child.

As far as the AEIOU method is concerned …

The AEIOU method can be very effective in educating children in a positive way, with love and respect. Positive education is always the best option, since, in this way, we will not harm our children and we will substantially improve the relationship with them. Let’s put this method into practice! It will surely be great for you.

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