Games For Children From 3 To 5 Years Old

Child development is a process that occurs in stages, some more accelerated than others, but always progressively. Play is always a great stimulus. 
Games for children from 3 to 5 years

Schooling begins at 3 years of age. This is a fact that implies an evident change in the child’s life and that, without a doubt, implies their cognitive, emotional and social development. Therefore, it is convenient to know to what extent games for children from 3 to 5 years favor them.

When a child begins school, he begins to interact more frequently with other children and this helps them, in one way or another, both to develop and acquire new life skills. And while it is true that even literacy is achieved through enjoyable activities, games play a crucial role in children’s day-to-day lives.

The best games for children from 3 to 5 years old

1. The hiding place

There is practically no child who does not enjoy this game. It allows to socialize but also to locate and manage in time and space. On the other hand, it should be noted that hide and seek is a game that favors the learning of numbers, something that is very convenient for their mathematical thinking.

Also, this game helps to develop decision-making; since it is necessary to choose where to hide, where to start looking, so it also develops the ability to create game strategies. For them, it is a fun challenge both to go around a place looking for someone else and to hide.

2. Simon says

Like other games for children ages 3 to 5, this activity seeks to entertain children and help them socialize. In this particular game, the main thing is to learn to interpret actions, give orders and also know how to follow them. In addition, it is a game that serves to stimulate language.

Children in costume playing

3. Role playing games

Within the games for children from 3 to 5 years old, obviously, there are role-playing games. Trying to imitate the life of an adult or a particular character helps children understand the world and get in touch with the different roles of people. For example, he will understand that playing to be a teacher is not the same as a doctor or a policeman.

Not only can they play with real professions, but they can also draw on characters from their favorite series or movies to make up fun games. Examples of this kind of games are: pirates, animals or even magical beings.

4. Emotional intelligence games

It is very important to help children identify, know and manage their emotions. Logically, one of the best ways to achieve this is through games. For example, you can make cardboard posters with different faces: happy, sad, angry, surprised, and so on. Then, you look at photos or videos of cartoon characters and begin to guess what they may be feeling at that moment.

To make it more fun, you can keep a kind of annotation with the successes of each player. Although in this case the marker is something secondary, it helps the children to be motivated and concentrate.

Boy holding a sign on which there is a smiling face

And what about the apps?

Today, technology occupies a prominent place in people’s lives, especially mobile devices. And children are not alien to this reality. From a very young age they have contact with technology and learn to use game applications very quickly.

The secret is not to prohibit its use, but to limit it and monitor the type of content. Both for videos and for applications —whether they are free or have a cost— parents must be aware of what the child learns from them.

It is proven that the excessive use of mobile phones or video games can cause great maturational damages, such as delayed speech. Therefore, prevention and progressive incorporation of these devices is the best solution.

It is clear that the options are many and varied. Certain factors, such as space or climate, can influence the realization of games for children from 3 to 5 years old, but all can be adapted to the circumstances of the moment. Take some time and invest in fun activities to encourage their development!

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