Goodnight Stories For Rebellious Girls

Fairy tales are not what they used to be. Goodnight stories for rebellious girls will break stereotypes across the women who have made their mark in history.
Goodnight stories for rebellious girls

From a young age, girls are shown fairy tales, both in children’s movies and in books. As a general rule, these stories have a similar structure with the woman represented by a princess who always has to wait to be saved by the prince.

However, times change and, with this, everything that happens around us also evolves. Nowadays, these fairy tales that we talk about have changed or improved due to the importance of transmitting equality between women and men from childhood.

In the current world in which we live, it is essential to teach children from their small values ​​such as respect or equality, because only in this way and from the base will we achieve that both men and women live together under equal conditions in all situations. life aspects.

Gender equality in children’s literature

The empowerment of women and the need for gender equality has even reached into children’s literature. This tool is ideal for showing the reality of equality and instilling a series of essential values ​​for it.

Mother reading Goodnight Stories for Rebellious Girls to her children before going to sleep.

One of the most outstanding collections of children’s books that deals with this topic is Small and Large, which we already talked about previously. Therefore, today we want to show you another book with similar characteristics, which has been and continues to be a bestseller due to the simplicity with which it deals with an issue as important as gender equality.

Goodnight stories for rebellious girls

Written by Elena Favilli and Francesca Cavallo, the success of this book has already been translated into more than 40 different languages ​​and sold more than a million copies worldwide. In its pages we will find 100 stories of 100 women recognized in the world for some of their achievements or personal or work feats.

Accompanied by their stories, told in the form of a story, all of them beginning with “Once upon a time …”, the children will learn about the lives of 100 completely different women but with one thing in common: they fought and achieved their dream.

Along with the fantastic texts in the form of children’s stories, there are illustrations of these women drawn by sixty illustrators from different parts of the world.

Princesses? No, girls who wanted to get to Mars

Astronauts, tennis players, judges, chefs or scientists are some of the profiles of women that will be found in the pages of this book. Frida Kalo, Nina Simone, Coco Chanel or Wangari Maathai hope that their stories will be read by the smallest of the house and thus raise awareness of their empowerment. An ideal book, as its own title indicates, to use before going to sleep, since its structure allows you to read a story every night.

Mother reading to her daughter a book before sleeping.

The values ​​transmitted by the book

All the women’s stories in this book have a single goal: that each girl who reads them has the strength to fight for her dreams and achieve it. Due to the variety of women that have been included, the girls will have a name with which they can feel identified and know, thus, that nothing is impossible.

Despite being recommended for girls between the ages of six and twelve, it is a book that can be used with girls of all ages, even young adolescents, since the values ​​and experiences they transmit are essential at any stage of life.

Despite being aimed mainly at girls due to gender inequality that is sometimes suffered due to a series of factors, it is an optimal book to work in the classroom with children as well. In this way, they will be aware of the importance of treating women and the respect and equality that must be had towards them.

Goodnight Stories for Rebel Girls 2

The success of the first of the books we have talked about even led to the creation of a community called “Rebel Girls”, referring to the title of the first volume. From this community and the contributions of these women, 100 new stories of women emerged that have been included in this second book.

Beyoncé, JKRowling or Nefertiti are some of the examples of stories that we can know in this second part. Once again, the success of the book has been spectacular, maintaining the structure of the previous one and being, again, illustrated by 50 illustrators from around the world.

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