Healthy Refreshments To Enjoy With The Family

It is clear that obesity and type 2 diabetes rates have increased globally, especially among children and adolescents. One of the causes is the excessive consumption of soft drinks. For this reason, I suggest that you make some healthy soft drinks at home.
Healthy refreshments to enjoy with the family

What if instead of going out to have a soda at the bar you make yourself some healthy sodas? You can invite your friends or have a good time with your family! But before you know the formula to do it, let me tell you all about soft drinks.

What are soft drinks?

According to the Spanish Food Code, they are drinks prepared with water to which fruit juices or extracts, aromatic substances and sugar  or sweeteners have been added. Also, they can contain gas. Some contain even caffeine and theine, so they are not highly recommended in children.

Consumption habits in Spain

In 2018, the consumption of soft drinks was 39.72 liters per person. It is 4.4% less compared to 2017. Probably, it is due to the greater awareness about eating healthy or due to the entry into force of the tax that we will talk about in the next section.

Impact on health and public health measures

Zero risk does not exist

Next, we would like to emphasize that the high content of sugars and calories that they contribute are responsible for the weight gain that occurs from drinking 1-2 cans a day. Even that sugar, which exceeds the 5-10% recommended by the World Health Organization, increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and tooth decay, which affects both children and adults.

Boy with a soda in one hand and saying no with his thumb down.

In addition, they are also rich in phosphorus, which negatively impacts the bones, increasing the risk of osteoporosis.

Tax increase

In 2017, a law came into force by which all drinks with added sugar were going to be more expensive. It was applicable to soft drinks, fruit juices and nectars, energy drinks, smoothies with fruit juice or milk, sweetened milks and flavored waters.

The main objective was to reduce the rates of overweight, obesity and type 2 diabetes as a consequence of reducing their frequency of consumption. However, after 2 years, they have decided to remove it and that consumption in Catalonia has decreased by 25%. That same law has been implemented in Mexico, Colombia, the US and other European countries with good results.

Homemade healthy soft drinks

Given the above, we propose an alternative, which is to make them yourself. How? Using 3 or 4 ingredients that you can easily find in grocery stores. In addition, it is the way you control the amount of sugar and, therefore, the calories. Think that they keep in the fridge for 3 or 4 days. 

5 tricks to make your own healthy sodas

  1. First, take a pitcher and fill it with water. You decide if you want it with gas or not. If you like it cold, add ice cubes.
  2. Another option is to use tea or an infusion as a base. I remind you that for children, it is better to choose one without theine, such as rooibos.
  3. Coconut milk or water and plant-based drinks without added sugar are an option that provide more texture.
  4. Aromatize it with fruits, such as a few slices of lemon, orange or lime, or some red fruits (strawberries, blueberries and raspberries). You can also add cinnamon sticks, ginger slices, mint or spearmint leaves, or any other aromatic herb.
  5. Give it a sweet touch with vanilla, anise or dried fruit without sugar.

And you have your healthy refreshments ready.

Homemade lime soda.

Healthy sodas to drink in summer

You dare? Next, we propose 3 recipes.

Red fruit drink

Ingredients :

  • Still water.
  • Rooibos.
  • Dehydrated red fruits.

Steps to follow :

  1. Bring the water to a boil in a saucepan.
  2. When it has boiled, add the rooibos and let it infuse for 5 to 7 minutes.
  3. All followed, add the red fruits.

Pina Colada

Ingredients :

  • Water.
  • Fresh or natural pineapple.
  • Cinnamon sticks.

Steps to follow :

  1. First of all, peel and dice the pineapple.
  2. Then whisk it together with the water.
  3. Finally, add the cinnamon and add ice.

Orange and rosemary soda

Ingredients :

  • Orange blossom water.
  • Orange.
  • Rosemary branches.

Steps to follow :

  1. Squeeze the orange and mix it with the orange blossom water.
  2. Finally, add the rosemary and leave it in the fridge for at least 2 hours so that it takes on flavor.

In conclusion, we invite you to substitute commercial sodas for homemade ones, since the whole family will improve your health. In addition, your children can help you prepare them.

Why Soft Drinks Are Harmful For Children

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