Homemade Ice Cream Recipes

Ice creams are one of the most delicious and fun things both for us and for the little ones in the house.
Homemade ice cream recipes

Ice cream recipes are very easy to prepare and do not require a lot of ingredients or a great amount of time. And there are few things as pleasant as sharing a dessert with the family.

A good ice cream sweetens our lives, invites us to share a moment of fun in company and, in short, allows us to experience a pleasant sensation. On the other hand, they cool us when temperatures rise. Here are some of the best and easiest ice cream recipes.

2 homemade ice cream recipes

One of the easiest ways to make homemade ice cream is simply to take advantage of the fruit juice that we have prepared and take it to the freezer.

Certainly, that’s the fastest way to make homemade ice cream. However, there are some more sophisticated ones such as the delicious recipe for preparing shortbread ice creams. For this you will need some ingredients, such as:


  • 2 small cinnamon sticks.
  • 4 tablespoons of butter.
  • 1 liter of skim milk. 
  • 6 egg yolks.
  • 1 ¾ cup of sugar.


  1. Make room in your freezer for the ice cream container.
  2. Take a pot, pour in the milk and bring it to a boil over low heat.
  3. Once the milk is boiling, add the cinnamon sticks.
  4. In a separate bowl, place the yolks together with the butter and sugar. Mix these 3 ingredients well with the help of a mixer. The idea is to achieve a homogeneous mixture, without lumps.
  5. Add the mixture to the pot with the milk, little by little.
  6. Stir the mixture constantly.
  7. Take the mixture to a bain-marie. When it acquires a creamy texture, remove from heat.
  8. Pass through a strainer to remove any lumps.
  9. Pour the contents into an ice cream mold and put it in the freezer.
  10. After an hour, remove the ice cream to prevent it from freezing and refrigerate again. Repeat this procedure for the first 3 hours.

Homemade ice cream recipes with cookies

These types of ice cream recipes triumph among the little ones because they combine the creamy and smooth texture of the ice cream with the crunchy touch of the cookies.


  • 1 package of Maria type cookies 
  • 1 small bag of cookies (crushed).
  • ¼ kilo of powdered milk.
  • 2 cups of boiled water.
  • Sugar to taste.
  • Vanilla to taste.


  1. In a bowl, pour the water and sugar.
  2. Soak the cookies in the water for 10 minutes.
  3. Blend the mixture together with the milk and vanilla.
  4. We pour the mixture into the molds of our preference and take to the freezer.
  5. Once the ice creams are ready, they are served and decorated with a crushed biscuit bath. You can add some goodies.
Homemade ice cream recipes to share with the family.

Homemade strawberry ice cream recipe

Strawberry ice cream is one of everyone’s favorite, to prepare it you need the following ingredients:

  • 200 grams of strawberries.
  • 170 grams condensed milk.
  • 2 natural or strawberry yogurts (best of the Greek type).


  1. Clean and chop the strawberries. Place them in the blender glass along with the yogurt. 
  2. The next step will be to beat the yogurt and strawberry mixture until no lumps are visible.
  3. You can strain the mixture to separate the seeds from the ice cream. But if your children do not mind finding them in their spoon, you do not need to use the strainer, in this way, the result will be more natural.
  4. Then you must add the condensed milk, little by little.
  5. Everything is beaten again so that it is well integrated.
  6. At the end, you can put a layer of clear plastic wrap on top of the mixture. It is important that it sticks closely to the liquid obtained after grinding so that when it freezes, ice crystals do not form on top.
  7. Then you should put the bowl in the freezer for 2 or 3 hours.
  8. Once that time has elapsed, beat the mixture again with the mixer. This process must be repeated about three times. When 6 hours have passed, the process is complete.
  9. Serve with a little syrup or topping of your choice.

One more tip for the preparation of homemade ice cream recipes is the following: To serve the ice cream in the form of balls, it is convenient that the spoon with which you are going to make the ball is wet with hot water, each time you introduce it into the recipient. This will make it easier for the ice cream to conform to the shape you want to achieve.

3 recipes for homemade lactose-free ice cream

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