How Long Does Your Child Need To Sleep?

How long does your child need to sleep? It is important to know this to encourage the development of healthy habits from the first months of life.
How long does your child need to sleep?

Healthy sleep habits should be built from the first days of your baby’s life. Remember that newborns, children and adolescents require more rest time than an adult.

If you wonder how long your child needs to sleep, the answer is that it depends on the age and level of physical activity of the children.

When a little one does not get enough sleep, the development of their daily activities will be affected. School performance, family relationships and the expression of emotions can be altered due to lack of rest.

Below you will find a short guide on how long your child needs to sleep according to their age.

Healthy habits: know how long your child needs to sleep

From 1 to 4 weeks of life: between 15 and 16 hours a day

Newborns usually sleep most of the day in short intervals of two to four hours. At this stage , sleep patterns are still being established because the child’s body begins to regulate itself.

Sleep routines still have nothing to do with the concept of day or night. It is also important to clarify that premature babies tend to sleep longer.

From 1 to 4 months: between 14 and 15 hours a day

Changes in the baby’s behavior begin to appear around 6 weeks of age . Adapting to the outside world makes sleep periods more regular; these increase its duration. From the first month, your little one will be able to sleep between 4 and 6 continuous hours at night.

How long your child needs to sleep depends on his age.

From 4 to 12 months: from 12 to 14 hours a day

Although it is normal for babies to sleep up to 15 hours each day, most only do about 12. It is at this time that healthy bedtime routines should begin to be reinforced.

The baby’s social development changes a lot at this stage;  rest periods are similar to those of an adult. This is when the importance of really knowing how long your child needs to sleep begins to show.

1 to 3 years old: 10 to 14 hours a day

After the year and a half, children will have fewer naps during the day. They may be reduced to just one in the afternoons . This rest can last between 1 and 3 hours and the night sleep of 8 to 10. Babies at this stage of their development usually sleep about 10 hours on average.

From 3 to 6 years: between 9 and 12 hours a day

Children between the ages of 3 and 6 should go to bed between 7 and 9 at night. The time to wake up will be around 7 in the morning . From this age, the little ones do not usually take naps and if they take them they are very short.

From 7 to 12 years old: from 9 to 11 hours a day

School life, play and social relationships make children go to bed later. Children of 11 and 12 years old usually go to sleep around 9 at night.

The total rest time during the day is approximately 9 hours. At this point, it is essential that family dynamics are one of discipline and order, even before going to bed. Parents should know how much time their child needs to sleep according to the activities they do each day.

Knowing how long your child needs to sleep can help you organize his routine.

From 12 to 18 years old: from 8 to 9 hours

Having enough rest time is as important at this stage as it was in previous years. Sleep provides well-being and is comforting for children.

If alterations appear at this age, it is important to treat them immediately. When children enter the stage of puberty, the activities and times of their daily tasks tend to vary a little.

Getting enough sleep each night is just as important as eating well. If you think your little ones have unhealthy sleep habits, it’s time to intervene.

A balanced diet, a moderate exercise routine, and a well-established schedule will suffice for a good night’s sleep. For situations that you cannot find a solution, seek the help of a professional. He will know how to tell you how long your child needs to sleep according to his activities and his age.

How to create a routine to sleep the baby?

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