How To Avoid The Syndrome Of The Hyper-gifted Child?

Some parents want to make up for their absence from home with gifts. This is a very common mistake in 21st century society.
How to avoid the syndrome of the hyper-gifted child?

The syndrome of the hyper-gifted child is a social phenomenon that, many parents are not aware that they believe and emphasize in their children. From the point of view of child psychology, it promotes a series of harmful behaviors. However, it can be corrected once it is detected.

Now, what does the aforementioned syndrome consist of? It consists of giving, in an excessive way, material gifts to children. In general, these are objects that they do not need since they already have what is necessary (and more) for their development.

The influence of advertising

As special dates such as birthdays, Christmas and other celebrations approach, the syndrome of the hyper-gifted child becomes more noticeable, since the advertising stimuli are more direct and occur in greater quantity. In other words, toy advertising ‘blitz’ is the main cause of infatuation. 

In the face of advertising, children may come to consider that their happiness lies in obtaining everything they see. The novelty and the way the product is ‘sold’ is so striking to them that, one way or another, they think they need to own it all.

By giving too much gifts or gifts to a child, we are not promoting the most appropriate values. On the contrary, we give them the message that what is worth having is the object and nothing else. Thus, our children get used to having a lot of everything and not giving value to what they already have. In fact, once they get hold of something, they forget it because they are already thinking about their next whim.

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Signs of gifted child syndrome

Some signs that can be observed in children with hyper-gifted child syndrome are the following:

  • Selfishness.
  • Lack of empathy. 
  • Impoverishment of the imagination.
  • Excessive materialism and consumerism.
  • Irritability and low tolerance for frustration.
  • Chronic dissatisfaction and contempt for what you have.
  • Constant request for objects of all kinds: toys, electronic devices and, even, they may even ask for all kinds of objects in general, such as personal hygiene utensils. It can also happen with food.
  • In more serious cases, children can develop hoarding disorder, among others.

Preventive measures for gifted child syndrome

To avoid the syndrome of the hyper-gifted child, it is necessary to start with the basics: measure the amount of material gifts we give to our children. In turn, it will be necessary to invest quality time to play with them and teach them to value aspects that go beyond the object.

You have to promote an environment where the most important thing is affection. Of course, you also have to set an example and not handle double standards at home. It is useless to tell them that objects should be valued less if we, as parents or guardians, are going to do the opposite.

It is true that children need to play and have fun, but their recreation should not be limited to a toy ; They can color or craft, let their imagination run wild, share with friends or family their age.

Learn to avoid gifted child syndrome.

Final Recommendations

In addition to spending quality time with children, it is necessary to make them see that material things are not everything in life. While there are some necessary, none is the center of our lives. Of course, this must be taught both in words and in actions, at different times and even in very subtle ways. Thus, we will get the message to get through.

On the other hand, it is necessary to make them see that there are many children in the world who are happy even with much less than they are. It is not about manipulating them, but about bringing them closer to other realities so that they can make a contrast for themselves and are encouraged to ‘imitate’ those children who know how to have fun, regardless of material possessions.

Additionally, once they are old enough to understand it, let them know that material objects involve a cost and that it is not always possible to obtain everything. In this sense, it will be necessary to start with the rudiments of financial education.

If we have the opportunity, it is best that we provide them with both a recreational and an educational experience; like a camp or vacation plan than a long list of toys they won’t even remember later. Experiences and human contact will leave you with much greater satisfaction in the long run. 

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