How To Detect Food Intolerance Early

To detect intolerance, it is essential to pay attention to gastrointestinal symptoms after consuming a certain food.
How to detect food intolerance early

The life of our little ones is the most important thing for us. That is why we must be attentive to any detail and be cautious. Hence, detecting food intolerance early is very important for the well-being of our children.

From our magazine  we are going to offer you a series of vitally important keys so that you can quickly detect if your baby has an intolerance or allergy problem towards certain products or substances.

However, food intolerances can appear at any time in our lives, and no one is exempt from suffering from this condition. Be that as it may, it does not have to prevent our children from being happy and living healthy, so early detection, if possible, is necessary.

Keys to detect food intolerance early

We are going without further delay to know the details to detect food intolerance early and ensure that our children live healthy and happy all their lives. In this way we can give them a better diet and even cure the condition if it is with enough time in advance.


Remember that if you are not attentive to details, skin, growth and even digestive problems can become chronic, hence it is vital not to lose rope and act quickly to improve the health of our beloved offspring:

  • Hereditary studies : One of the keys in the early detection of allergies or intolerances is heredity. It is important to study the history of the child and to know if there are relatives with these problems in order to be more accurate with the diagnosis, as stated in an article published in the journal “Current Gastroenterology Reports”.
  • Digestive problems : It is not uncommon for a baby to have digestive problems. After all, their organs are in full development and have not yet reached their optimum point of maturity. However, if we constantly notice symptoms such as diarrhea, excessively heavy digestion, upset stomach, gas or constipation, it is not a bad idea to consult a specialist. This fact becomes very relevant if it happens after ingesting certain products or substances in particular.
  • Observe skin pigmentation : It is always necessary to carefully observe the state of our babies’ skin and its coloration. If atopic irregularities are discovered, we could be facing a food intolerance problem. It doesn’t have to be definitive, but it doesn’t hurt to check with your doctor.
  • Certain types of pain : There is a type of body pain that can be characteristic of a food intolerance. In this case, both the belly and the head and legs tend to suffer a lot during these types of conditions, according to research published in the journal “Nutrients.” So if we look at it in our child, running to the doctor!
  • Inadequate growth : Among the many reasons that can cause our child not to increase in size or gain weight is food intolerance. If we observe that the child does not grow as it should and that no matter how much he eats, he does not gain kilos, we could be facing this problem.

    More interesting information about food intolerance

    That your child has any of these symptoms is not a sign that he is suffering from a food intolerance. Even so, there is no doubt that there is some problem in your health that the doctor will have to reveal. Be that as it may, if all of them occur simultaneously, it does greatly increase the possibilities.

    In addition, these types of symptoms are not exclusive to children. You could also be developing a food intolerance at some point in your life or one that was latent and had not been discovered.

    Be that as it may, the fact of feeling a food intolerance does not mean that your child will have a poor quality of life. Fortunately, today there are a good number of products for anyone to have an adequate diet.

    It is necessary to detect food intolerance in time

    Adjust the diet if your child suffers from intolerance

    Be it gluten, lactose or fructose, very common food intolerances and allergies, the number of products on the market for these affected is enormous. Hence, leading a fairly normal life is possible.

    You know, if you have doubts, remember the importance of detecting food intolerance early to offer your child a full and happy life. Moreover, if the diagnosis is early enough, it could even be cured.

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