How To Detect Naturally If My Child Has A Fever?

If you want to control your child’s fever but do not have a thermometer at that moment, you can resort to other techniques. We tell you how you can do it in the following article.
How to naturally detect if my child has a fever?

Children often complain that they are unwell. In most cases, this may happen because they have a high body temperature;  This can catch you out of the blue and without a thermometer handy. Therefore, in this article we are going to review how to naturally detect if my child has a fever.

Certainly, every mother should know that there are some natural methods that can help when it comes to knowing if the little one has a few tenths too many. However, the reliability of these is never the same as with the use of the thermometer. We tell you everything you need to know below.

How to naturally detect if my child has a fever?

Here are some ways to naturally detect if a child has a fever:

1. Place one hand on his forehead

First of all, you should know that the skin feels warm to the touch. Therefore, it is useful to place a hand on the child’s forehead or another part of the body, since when the child has a fever there is an increase in body temperature.

If the little one has a fever, you will feel that he is noticeably warmer than normal ; even the forehead may be dry or wet with sweat.

However, a study has confirmed that, as a screening procedure, touch will seriously overestimate the incidence of fever. The good news, in these cases, is that you will rarely miss the extra tenths.

Fever in a girl

2. Dehydration

Another natural way to detect a fever is to assess whether you are very thirsty or have a dry mouth, as people with a fever face a high risk of becoming dehydrated. Similarly, the color of the urine can also help determine if there has been a case of dehydration and a rise in body temperature.

So, you should bear in mind that, if you notice that  your child’s urine is really yellow, it may be a sign that he is dehydrated and has some fever. On the contrary, a urine color darker than usual can also determine an excessive temperature.

3. Skin color

In general, the increase in body temperature caused by fever causes the skin on the face to turn red, especially in the area of ​​the cheeks. You should bear in mind that if the child’s skin is darker, it will be more difficult to notice the redness.

4. Respiratory rate

Fourth, respiratory rate is another way to measure fever without using a thermometer. By monitoring the heart rate, you can tell if a child has a higher temperature than usual.

Of course, you must take into account what your usual heart rate is. Also, you should know that the heart rate usually increases when a child has a fever. Without a doubt, it is one of the most reliable ways to know if the child has a fever naturally.

Tips for taking a temperature by touching the forehead or neck

Touch is the most widely used natural method to determine if a child has a fever or not. The procedure is very simple and involves only touching the child’s forehead or neck to feel if it is warmer than normal.

In any case, there are some aspects that you should take into consideration to make sure you use this technique correctly:

  • Always use the palm of your hand, as the skin on the palm of your hand is not as sensitive as other areas.
  • Do not touch the child’s hands or feet to detect fever, as the extremities of the body can be cold when the body temperature is high.
    Lowering fever in children is possible by placing cold cloths on them and giving them showers.
    • The sensation of heat cannot help you to accurately determine if the child suffers from high temperatures. In fact, sometimes the skin can be very hot while the child is in perfect health and, conversely, when he has a fever, the skin can be cold.
    • Make sure to touch the child when they are in a room at room temperature, not too cold or too hot. Similarly, don’t use this technique on a child who has sweated after playing sports.

    Finally, remember that the above methods to detect fever in children are not entirely reliable, so it is advisable to always use the thermometer as the only reliable indicator. In any case, if you suspect that there may be a rise in temperature, the most important thing is that you see your doctor immediately.

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