How To Help My Child Cope With The Loss Of A Pet

How to help my child cope with the loss of a pet

The animals that we raise at home always bring moments of joy, especially to children, but what happens when they die?  How to help my child cope with the loss of a pet? This is the topic that we will deal with next.

A pet is one more member of a family, it does not matter if it is a dog, a cat or a rabbit. When you have an animal at home you have another affection, and your little one a companion for games and mischief.

When your child loses his pet, he loses one of his best friends, the one who gives him unconditional love and receives it with great emotion when he returns from school.

Facing that your four-legged comrade has left is not an easy thing, in fact it may be the first experience close to the loss of a loved one that your child must live. In these cases, The action and support of parents is vital, since from the innocence of childhood it is difficult to understand death.

The loss of a pet is painful even for adults, for this same reason we must be the strength of the little ones and make ourselves strong in this sad moment.

How do I explain the loss of their pet to my child?

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Our protective instinct tells us that we must avoid the suffering of our children at all costs, push it away and even shut up what could harm them, but the truth is that it is not the right thing to do.

Children will one day grow up and we will not always be able to be there to protect them from pain, loss or death; It is for this reason that it is necessary to prepare them for difficult times.

Just as we take care of determining what is the age appropriate  what for our son has a pet, we must take care of the way in which we communicate the news that his furry friend has left.  It is necessary to give him an explanation adapted to what he can understand but without lying to him.

The younger the child, the more difficult it will be to understand the reason for the unfortunate loss; The search for the right words and according to their age are of the utmost importance.  

Using the word “death” is not recommended, it is preferable synonyms such as going to heaven and resting with God if you have a religion, or if not, simply pass away.

Using terms like “put to sleep” when the pet has to be euthanized is not a good idea, as your child could associate the act of sleeping with something negative

On the contrary, if the child is older, the more questions he will ask. Answer him concisely and without hesitation. Do not underestimate its maturity, that way it will also understand that all living beings have a life cycle.

Some recommendations 

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  • If the pet suffers from any disease, we must prepare the child for what is to come. If they must euthanize, explain that the animal will not suffer, that it will not feel pain, as it is a thought that tends to overwhelm them in these cases.
  • You may have thought that replacing their loss with another pet will ease their pain. Nothing could be further from the truth. You must allow him to live his duel , It is normal for you to be sad for a few days and to miss your friend.
  • Nothing better to face the loss than knowing that he has your empathy , support, consideration and understanding. During the process you will feel accompanied and, as time goes by, you will overcome this bitter drink.
  • Doing a symbolic burial is an act that could help your little one understand that now his friend is in a better place, that he has returned to life. star  where does it come from.
  • Saying a prayer or a few words describing how good it made the family feel will allow you to understand that your pet will not return.
  • Remembering the pet after the loss is common and not harmful.  It’s about looking back and reliving the best moments with a great friend. In fact, you could honor it with a photograph you have together.

    That your little one has a pet brings multiple Benefits  and brings out your best feelings. It is normal that your little one feel desolate after the loss and therefore your comfort will be more than valuable, Hug it and get over it together!

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