How To Make A Gentleman Out Of Your Child

How to make a gentleman out of your child

Explaining to our children what chivalry is and how to implement it does not have to be a difficult task. Teaching our children to be a gentleman will pave the way for the interpersonal relationships that they will establish throughout their lives.

Chivalry, by its most essential definition, is nothing more than treating women with special courtesy and respect. In short, be a true gentleman!

The model of chivalry closest to the little ones will always be their father and grandparents, since the way in which the men around them behave with the women in their environment is key in the learning process since children tend to imitate the behavior of father figures.

It is natural for boys to copy everything their father does, from the way he walks, talks, tastes and even gestures.

The father is his example and his ideal model, that is why it is not uncommon to find that several generations, grandparents, parents and children share the same profession or are inclined towards a common area.

The expression “I want to be like my dad!” it is one of the most frequent among the little ones.

Our acts will always be the best example for our children, some situations and experiences will be recorded in their memory that they will evoke when they are faced with something similar.

The way he courted mom and the patience or delicacy with which he spoke to his elderly mother are actions that he will surely remember, all as part of that special connection that is created between father and son.

How complicated is it to make a gentleman out of your child?

a gentleman

What we must do is more elementary than we think. Caring for the image that we project as parents is essential.

Although it is true that father, grandfather and brother play an important role, not all the responsibility falls on the men of the house.

As mothers we have a special gift, the gift of being able to approach our children through words. Without a doubt, women are better at communication.

All teaching is based on facts, clearly explaining the importance of why being chivalrous will allow the child to have a more positive view of their actions.

You will understand that behaving like a gentleman is not an imposition, but the guarantee of being a better man in the future, aware that everyone around you deserves honest, affable and courteous treatment.

These recommendations will help you:

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Among the golden conditions that every gentleman meets, is the ability to address others with respect, even when it means saying things with which you do not agree.

It is vital that your child knows that expressing their ideas, opinions or disagreements to others is a perfectly valid act if done with deference and courtesy.

  • Help him become aware of who is around him. At school, at the home of friends or family, this will give you the ability to get along with everyone under the precepts of tolerance and acceptance.
  • Education is everything. When you are in front of a pregnant woman or an older adult, invite him to give up the position. Explaining that as a future man you should treat the most vulnerable people with consideration will help him better understand the role of a gentleman in our society.
  • Any activity is conducive to reinforcing the values ​​of the home. Breakfast, homework time, or even times when we’re stuck in traffic are a good time to talk with your little one about family values ​​that chivalry is also a part of.
  • Speak up firmly when he has made a mistake with someone else. Showing him his mistake will make him in the future able to recognize his faults and correct them with the elegance and heart of a gentleman.
  • Commitment and conviction to do good is essential in a gentleman. Actions make hearts, instruct him to carry out actions that generate a positive impact even on his own interests.
  • Acknowledge their actions. Congratulating him or saying a few words of encouragement and appreciation when he has behaved like a gentleman will allow him to see that chivalry is part of everyday life, that it is something normal and everyday.

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