How To Remove Snot From Your Child In A Simple Way

Snot is very distressing for babies and young children, here’s how you can easily remove them!
How to remove snot from your child in a simple way

One of the concerns of parents when they have a baby is that they do not catch a cold. A typical symptom of this is nasal congestion. But, although it is common for the little one to get sick, we must take it seriously, as it can lead to a problem something more serious than a simple cold. And the fact is that the child, by not knowing how to blow his nose, can have a really bad time. That is why we teach you how to remove your child’s snot in a simple way.

What you should know to remove your child’s snot

First of all, it is important that you know that it is common and normal for babies to have both mucus and phlegm, even if they do not have colds. Keep in mind that mucus is an effective defense mechanism for your body, since they are responsible for cleaning the airways of germs, and prevent them from proliferating. Thus, the symptoms derived from an excess of mucus or phlegm are the following:

  • The accumulation of this mucus in the airways causes coughing, sneezing, deafness and shortness of breath.
  • In the case of phlegm that reaches the throat, it can make the baby gag and vomit.
  • The diarrhea usually also common if your baby has excessive mucus. This is so because the baby tends to swallow the mucus and expel it through the stool.

Regarding the cough, it is necessary to say that it works as a defense mechanism of the body. It serves to mobilize mucus from the lower respiratory tract and expel it. For this reason, it is good for the child to cough and medications that neutralize the cough should not be resorted to immediately. In the event that the cough is excessive and does not allow the child to rest, it is advisable to go to the pediatrician to indicate the necessary measures.

Eliminating your child's snot is good so that he can breathe and not choke.

The problem of excessive mucus

However, the problem arises when the mucus is excessive, since the child will feel very uncomfortable. If this condition lasts for a long time, it can cause otitis, so it is best to try to end the matter as soon as possible.

Medical treatment to remove mucus

If your child is very young, do not resort to medical treatment so quickly. Keep in mind that pediatricians are not in favor of prescribing mucolytics to babies. Although they do dissolve mucus and promote its expulsion, they increase mucus secretion.

This, in the end, what it does is that a kind of vicious circle is established from which it is not easy to get out. Believe it or not, medicating your baby every time he has mucus or phlegm can be more harmful to him than the mucus itself.

Water, a great ally to eliminate your child’s snot

Water can be your best ally if your baby has snot. Try to get him to drink a lot, because the liquid will help dissolve the mucus. You should try to be in a humid environment and avoid areas full of smoke. You can go for a vaporizer, containers filled with water, or a humidifier.

Help him blow his nose to get rid of snot

Help him clear his nose. To do this, you will have to clean the mucus with a very soft tissue and wash it with nasal saline. To apply it, it is best to lay it on its side, so you will prevent it from swallowing the mucus. At that time you will have to put the serum in one of the nostrils and press the other lightly.

Nasal pears can also help you clear their nose and remove your child’s snot. If you prefer this option, do not use it more than twice a day, or you will end up irritating the nose.

A cold usually causes a fever in young children.

Take care of your throat

And if it is important that you clean his nose, it is no less important that you do the same with his throat. This way you will be able to remove the phlegm. Keep in mind that being so small, they often do not have enough force to cough, and the phlegm stays in their mouths.

You have to prevent them from being swallowed again. To do this, when the baby coughs, you must help him expel them. Do this by wrapping sterile gauze around your index finger and putting it in your mouth. This way the phlegm will stick to the gauze and it will be easier for you to remove it.

Don’t force him to eat

It is important that you do not force him to eat. Both nasal congestion and phlegm can cause loss of appetite, nausea, and vomiting. So be patient and eat when you feel like it. If you force him to eat food, he will end up vomiting.

If necessary, it is preferable that you eat more times a day, but less quantity, because this will cost you less effort to finish your portions and you will not experience the feeling of choking or sweat so much when eating. Although you will not be able to prevent your child from contracting a cold at least once a year, it is good that you implement the measures described above so that the discomfort affects him as little as possible.

12 Recommendations to avoid colds in children

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