How To Treat Diaper Rash?

Diaper rash is usually caused by different causes, especially by the contact of urine and the diaper on the baby’s body. There are some guidelines that can be taken into account to prevent it and also some home remedies for its treatment.
How to treat diaper rash?

Diaper rash is one of the most common ailments that babies often suffer if they are not careful. Still, you have to know that you have treatment and that it is possible to overcome it.

Children’s skin is very delicate, and since the diaper is constantly rubbing against it, it can be easily irritated. Now, although many parents find that it is difficult to carry out the treatment, since the area is always covered, they know that the best thing they can do is not to despair.

Between 4 and 16 months of age, babies can develop diaper rash. In many cases, this is caused by contact with one’s urine and fecal matter for a long period of time. Especially when the little ones have begun to ingest solids, which is when the stool begins to have other characteristics, different from those of the first months of life.

In the event that the baby has diarrhea, the skin may become more easily irritated, and the aforementioned dermatitis may appear, among other discomforts.


The diagnosis will be made by the doctor (pediatrician or child dermatologist) after an evaluation with the naked eye of the baby’s lower body. Therefore, the most appropriate thing is for parents to go to the consultation as soon as they notice atypical signs and do not administer any type of medicine or natural remedy to the baby without consulting a professional.

The affected areas, mainly those in contact with the edges of the diaper, may present a rash, red spots or simply an irritation of dark pinkish tones.

On the other hand, in advanced cases or if the child scratches the skin, the irritation can turn into an open wound and, therefore, an easy access route for fungi (such as candidiasis) or bacteria. In these cases, the infection must be cured before treating the diaper rash in a timely manner.

With these suggestions, you will learn how to change a diaper correctly.


The first step in the treatment is to wash the area with warm water and mild soap at each diaper change. Glycerin soaps should be avoided, since this component can affect the pH of the baby’s skin.

Cleaning oils and lotions to replace rinse are also not recommended. Whenever you can and use warm water, just put the baby near the water, take a little liquid with our hands and let it fall on the affected area gently.

The next step is drying, which must be done very gently, preferably with cotton fabrics and with slow movements; that is, with light touches, not rubbing. Ideally, leave the baby without a diaper for a while so that the skin can breathe.

Some parents fear that the baby will wet or dirty the bed while he is without a diaper, and for this reason they do not usually leave him without it for long. However, it is best to give the skin a good time without having any type of garment on it.

When the skin is dry, apply the ointment, balm, or cream (prescribed by your doctor) to treat diaper rash. There are several traditional products in this regard; there are specific creams to hydrate and nourish the skin.

Other measures

When bathing the baby, cloth sachets with instant oatmeal can be placed in the water. Another option is to make compresses with this ingredient and place them in a more practical, comfortable and simple way in the affected areas.

The last step in treatment is to remember that the diaper does not have to be too tight when it is put on. In this way, the air can continue to pass. For parents who wait too long before changing diapers, know that this increases the chances of getting the annoying and annoying diaper rash.

Diaper rash can irritate your baby's skin.

In short, the important thing to avoid irritations is the regularity of diaper changes, proper rinsing and the use of a product that keeps the skin protected all day. With these simple cares, your baby will stay happy, radiant and without any discomfort.

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