I Gave Birth To Triplets Help!

I gave birth to triplets. Help!

Mothers giving birth to triplets need help – two hands for every baby they have. Because if the care and upbringing of a newborn requires a great effort, that of a few triplets can become something superhuman, an adventure worthy of having been written by the French novelist Alexander Dumas, such as his unforgettable work “The Three Musketeers ”.

One for all, all for one

With the arrival of a baby at home, mom is based on the needs of the child:

  • Breastfeeding every three hours at least, more times if the baby hiccups
  • Comfort him and carry him every time he cries
  • Diaper change with incredible assiduity. Sometimes while mom is putting on the new diaper the child poops or pees and you have to take a new one
  • Heal your belly button
  • Rocking him in the chair for a good nap time, that is, if the child cannot fall asleep when he is nursing or wakes up early
  • Talk and sing to him to stimulate his brain development
  • Change the sheets and the rest of the supplies with some frequency
  • Bathing him (a task that makes a mother’s hair stand on end because of the fear she feels that the child is going to fall)
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To these tasks are added the domestic chores that are directly related to the creature:

  • Give him a bottle if mom doesn’t have enough milk to fill him up
  • Washing the sheets and baby clothes (in some countries, in addition to washing the baby’s clothes, all the sheets and blankets used are usually boiled)
  • Clean your room and maintain strict hygiene

Discounting the other daily tasks that must be done at home,  we can say that time is not enough, especially if mom and dad live alone and do not have anyone to help them.

So what about mothers and families to whom triplets are born? If we multiply the aforementioned tasks by 3 we would have to conclude that 24 hours a day falls short and that any of those mothers, mother of triplets, is a heroine.

The history of Athos, Porthos and Aramis

Athos is a happy boy. Despite being the smallest of all, he is always active and he is the one who claims the most to Mom. When she passes him he scowls his mouth and makes his legs very tense to get her attention and make her carry him right away.

Porthos likes to be kissed on the eyelids and slapped on the buttocks every time he goes to sleep. He is the middle son and he is quite observant, he is always looking at the other two to see how they act.

Aramis is the docile boy of the group and who likes to play. He even dances with the leaves of the trees that he sees through the window. Since birth he sleeps alone and has a certain air of independence despite being so small.

Although the three musketeers enjoy their own “personality”, they have something in common: they do not understand responsibilities, duties or times. When they want to sleep, to be breastfed, held, played with, and cared for, they make it known through their crying, usually in unison.

You have to be a mother of triplets to really know what the three-throated melody sounds like “playing” at the same time. The eardrums reach the maximum of their possibilities and the brain becomes confused with so many tasks to solve.


I gave birth to triplets. Help!

The mother of triplets gets tired and not infrequently she can be seen to the limit of running outside the doors to ask for help from the first one who wants to help her, because raising three children is not easy and you have to be in that situation to really know how much it costs . But, without a doubt, the mother of triplets is a woman blessed by nature.

Like no other, she can enjoy three smiles that make her happy, three little voices that gurgle and want to express themselves, six little eyes that consider her the most beautiful woman in the world, and six little hands that try to grab her blouse, earrings and her face. , to get to know her better.

If you are the mother of triplets, receive our immense recognition and the most sincere congratulations!

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