Is It Good For Children To Sleep With A Pacifier?

The natural sucking action of a pacifier can calm a fussy baby and help him fall asleep. Is it so bad for a baby to sleep with a pacifier in his mouth as so many say?
Is it good for children to sleep with a pacifier?

Pacifiers can be very useful at bedtime for babies who find great comfort in sucking beyond the need for nutrition . Although many parents wonder if it is good for children to sleep with a pacifier, the answer is yes. Sleeping with a pacifier does not entail any risk for the little one!

Babies suck when they are tired, bored, or need comfort. Some have a stronger need to use a pacifier than others, and in this sense, sucking can provide the reassurance needed to get a good rest.

Of course, in the event that the pacifier falls off during sleep, it is not necessary to put it back in the child’s mouth.

However, if you are still breastfeeding, we recommend that you wait to give him the pacifier;  This will ensure that breastfeeding is well established. This generally takes 3 to 4 weeks. Pacifiers can be used to calm him down once you know that the baby is well fed and when he is no longer hungry.

Also, research has shown that sleeping with a pacifier is not a critical factor for sleep, as there are no significant differences in sleep patterns between babies who sleep with a pacifier and those who do not use it. Therefore, parents should not be overly concerned if their little one cannot do without the pacifier when it comes to bedtime.

Is it good for children to sleep with a pacifier?

The answer is yes, you can safely give your baby a pacifier at bedtime. However, you need to take into account some guidelines to do it in the safest way possible.

Many people advise against putting earrings on girls and call for their ban.

Take note; Here we tell you everything you need to know about using the pacifier:

  • Do not connect a string to the pacifier, as it increases the risk of strangulation.
  • Don’t give your baby a pacifier at night while he’s learning to breastfeed.
  • You should make sure to keep the pacifier clean and disinfect it with hot water.
  • Use the correct pacifier size, which corresponds to the baby’s age.
  • Do not cover the pacifier with anything.
  • You should only use 1-piece pacifiers.
  • The pacifier must have breathing holes in the protector.

Benefits for children who sleep with a pacifier

First of all, the obvious benefit of using the pacifier during sleeping hours is the calm it provides for the baby. Those who love pacifiers don’t give them up easily, not even at nap time or when it comes time to go to bed at night. And, as you can imagine, a calm baby is synonymous with calm parents.

If you notice that the baby gets in a bad mood when it is time to rest and you want to remove the pacifier, think twice: remember that it makes him feel better and has no negative consequences. Sucking creates calm, which in turn makes it easier for him to fall asleep.

Also, another important advantage of the baby using a pacifier while sleeping is the reduction of the risk of sudden infant death syndrome. In fact, it decreases by half. In addition, this instrument can help babies learn to control their feelings, relax them and make them feel safe when it is time to sleep.

One of the common actions related to baby breathing is frequent snoring.

In this sense, multiple studies have shown a correlation between pacifier use and a lower risk of sudden infant death syndrome. The reasons for this positive consequence are not yet clear, but the research is pretty strong: giving your baby a pacifier at night can help reduce the chances of suffering from this problem.

In conclusion, remember that it is not bad for children to sleep with a pacifier. Therefore, if you notice that your baby does not want to get rid of it while sleeping, you should not worry. As you have seen, it even brings with it some very important benefits for your well-being.

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