Keys To Teaching Children To Think

Logical reasoning training is not only learned in schools, but also at home. In this article we give you some practical tips to help your children.
Keys to teaching children to think

Thinking is an activity typical of human brains. We think because we internalize, we meditate, we reflect, we have new ideas, we imagineā€¦ Thinking is all the activity of the brain that involves reasoning. Although the most ignorant also think, it is no less true that those who are better prepared and have a higher IQ have the tools to reason and make better decisions in their lives.

In this article we talk about it.

What is teaching a child to think?

Teaching a child to think is to instill in him the need to:

Find the why of everything

That way he will understand its origin, nature, operation, utility … Let’s say, for example, that you should encourage your child not only to understand that after several days a green guava becomes ripe, changes color and that is when it can be used to make the jam that you like so much. It is your duty to encourage him to investigate what are the chemical processes that make the wonderful transformation of the fruit possible.

Come to conclusions on your own

It is okay for your child to want to be part of the group and as a member, he needs to be in tune with the ideals that his friends pursue. But don’t get carried away by the brains of others. Your child must understand that even being part of the same troop they can have conflicting opinions. Teach him to think for himself and defend his ideas whether or not they are the same as those of others.

If his friends drink alcoholic beverages and smoke because it is fashionable, want to “prove their manhood”, or try what it feels like, he has to learn to maintain his position and not get drawn into the legal drugs that you have warned him so much about.

Get away from stereotypical thinking

Stereotypes enclose the brain. They build a mental blockage that only allow you to reach analyzes that stay within the canons that were imposed.

Stereotypical thinking is unidirectional and without detours, therefore, you are unable to see the colored lights that tinkle on both sides of the road you are going. Let this metaphor serve to explain to your child how stereotyped thinking becomes blind to the diversity of analyzes that the same brain can have.

Teach him to think freely and without taboos.

Have strong arguments to defend your ideas

A man may have the truth in his hands, but if he does not know how to defend it, any lie or wrong thinking will overcome him.

To have solid arguments you have to study, investigate, keep up to date … Teach your child to make his own knowledge of any kind. Let him learn about art, mechanics, aeronautics, medicine, beauty, health, fashion, ecology … no one knows when he will need them.

Learn from your mistakes

Taking advantage of your blunders will be the best way to learn not to commit them again. “No one is teaching someone else’s head” keep this in mind when teaching your little one to think. Your mistakes will be your best teachers.

If he speaks badly of a partner in front of others, he takes out an enmity and seeks a problem for that, he will immediately learn that it is wrong to speak of who is not present, criticize him, or make fun of him.


Make decisions based on your own analysis

Teach your child not to be influenced to the point of letting others be the ones to decide and rule for him. It is good to listen to the opinions and thoughts of those around him, but the child must learn to make use of his own learning, assess what he has and is, the pros and cons, and the wide possibilities that are offered to him then make a choice.

All the knowledge that you have made yours will help you to solve your problems and be responsible for your decisions.

Keys to teaching children to think

Mom, to teach your child to think you must encourage good life habits. Encourage him to:

  • Read
  • Take time for meditation
  • Recreate yourself with games that invite you to think: chess, puzzles, puzzles, word soup, mathematical games …
  • Posing problems and challenging yourself that will make you overcome yourself

Be creative and always search for new alternatives to solve your dilemmas. Remember that  thinking is internalizing, meditating, reflecting, having new ideas, imagining … Thinking is an activity typical of human brains that can be given cultural attention as it is given to the plants themselves so that they grow, produce flowers, fruits and develop better.

Play helps your child awaken his critical thinking

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