Low-fat Recipes For The First Trimester Of Pregnancy

It is well known that healthy eating during pregnancy is essential for the growth of the baby. For this, it is convenient to know some low-fat recipes for the first trimester of pregnancy and adapt them according to preferences.
Low-fat recipes for the first trimester of pregnancy

Congratulations! Surely you have recently found out that you are pregnant and you will be happy. However, you may be a little anxious about what normal development entails for your little one. Relax, it is a natural process!

The important thing is that you know that you must eat well and supply your body with the necessary nutrients for your baby to grow up healthy. Below, take note of the low-fat recipes for the first trimester of pregnancy and enjoy this new stage of your life to the fullest.

How to eat during the first trimester of pregnancy?

During the first trimester of pregnancy, it is normal for you to feel a little more hungry and want to eat. However, remember that you must watch the weight and the type of food you eat, because you should not nourish yourself for two.

For this reason, you should consume foods rich in folic acid and increase your energy consumption to about 150 calories. You don’t have to make big changes, just include foods with high nutrient content, maintaining the balance between carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

Why is it important to eat well at this stage?

Because your little one will receive from the placenta proteins, sugars, fats, iron and calcium, among other nutrients and vitamins that you consume.

This will promote the formation of red blood cells, bones, organs and cell structures, according to a study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. To do this, you must choose menus with low-fat recipes for the first trimester of pregnancy.

3 delicious low-fat recipes for the first trimester of pregnancy

It is not a secret that food is the basis for the correct development of a baby in the gestation stage. However, it is convenient to watch the weight gain and the contraindications that some foods can cause. To do this, take note of the following low-fat recipes for the first trimester of pregnancy:


The daily menus should be full of both raw and cooked vegetables to guarantee the immediate supply of vitamins. Include fresh fruits and let your imagination be the limit. A low-fat salad recommendation is:

Salad is a great option for low-fat recipes for the first trimester of pregnancy.
  • Chop lettuce, arugula, tomatoes, oranges, celery, strawberries, pineapple and pear into small pieces.
  • Add half a teaspoon of olive oil and a handful of walnuts.
  • Also add low-salt and low-fat cheese, vinegar, salt and pepper.

Join all the ingredients and mix until the elements are integrated with each other. A variation is to add diced turkey or turkey breast. Remember that a regular supply of vegetables has proven to be essential for the prevention of complex pathologies.

Chicken with boiled potatoes and vegetables

Proteins are one of the food groups that you should try to consume regularly. An excellent option is lean meat accompanied by vegetables, as we propose below:

  • Cut the piece of chicken you chose for the preparation into pieces.
  • Bring to the fire in a saucepan and add salt until golden brown and cooked and reserve.
  • In the same container, add onion, garlic, peppers, and other vegetables of your choice.
  • Once ready, add the chicken and the chopped potatoes again.
  • Put the heat to a minimum and wait until it is well cooked.

You can adapt the recipe according to your favorite foods. For example,  you can add broccoli, cauliflower, or eggplants. Ideal to accompany a serving of brown rice for lunch or dinner.

Lemon beef

Meat is one of the most desired foods during pregnancy due to its contribution of protein and nutrients in the diet. This must be skinless and defatted. An excellent alternative for its preparation is:

Lemon meat is an ideal recipe for pregnant women.
  • Cut the fat-free meat into small pieces.
  • Put in a pot and add a tablespoon of olive oil, salt, oregano, bay leaf and other spices that do not cause you discomfort.
  • Squeeze a lemon and add it to the preparation.
  • Cover and cook over low heat until the meat has the desired texture. You can add water or consommé so that the preparation is not dry.
  • Once ready, serve with a serving of vegetables.

Introduce low-fat recipes during the first trimester of pregnancy

This is a low-fat recipe for the first trimester of pregnancy ideal to consume for lunch. Remember that you should eat small portions more often.

You should also cook meat and fish very well to avoid certain contraindications. Therefore, taking care of yourself at this stage will make a difference. Enjoy your meal!

Lactose-free recipes for the first trimester of pregnancy

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