Manual Of Basic Newborn Care

Newborn Basic Care Manual

“I wish babies came with a care manual,” first-time moms often say during the first days of their little ones’ lives. Although the manual does not really exist, we want to offer you a small guide to get through the first months of motherhood on the right foot.

The details regarding basic newborn care are difficult to list. Above all, because not all babies have the same needs. Some are born with a condition that requires special attention, so it is an impossible mission to find a manual in which absolutely all the items on this delicate subject.

But this is no excuse for us not wanting to help those New moms who feel overwhelmed by the arrival of the firstborn. Here we present a trilogy of recommendations that will facilitate the complicated and wonderful job of being a mother.

Care: feeding keys

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The first thing moms should know is that there is no reason to despair if they feel they are not producing enough breast  milk in the days after delivery . Babies will gradually activate the hormones oxytocin and prolactin, protagonists in the production process of this precious liquid.

The longer your baby spends on the breast, the easier it will be to produce milk. A crucial fact is that during the first days, a substance called colostrum comes out of the mammary glands.   -Pre-milk- which has an important immune load for the development of your baby.

Don’t panic if you think your baby is not getting enough to eat or will become dehydrated. The first hours of life With a few small drops of colostrum there will be enough to satisfy your tiny stomach.

Milk production will increase according to the time your baby suckles at the breast.

The key to knowing if your baby is expressing the milk he needs is to determine how many times you should change it. If you wet the diaper, it is because you are obviously not dehydrated .

Care: tame the hours of sleep

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According to specialists, a newborn can sleep up to 18 hours a day; but what worries moms is that this phase of dream  it is not continuous, like this that children usually wake up at intervals of two to three hours to be fed.

Remember that inside the womb, babies spent much of their time sleeping because inside the uterus there is no difference between day and night. So how do you go about adjusting the hours of dreams?

Venezuelan pediatrician Miguel Raga recommends mothers design a schedule to breastfeed their baby from 15 days old. The strategy is to wake up with the baby at 6:00 a.m. to feed him. From that first feeding, the baby should be fed at intervals of three hours. . The strategy would be this: 6:00, 9:00, 12:00, 15:00, 18:00, 21:00.

After the last shot, at approximately 9:00 p.m., the baby will be able to sleep longer hours at a time and his sleep will be deeper. Of course we cannot forget that we must breastfeed on demand, so if she wakes up at dawn, we will have to attend to her request for breast milk.

A newborn can sleep 18 hours a day

The key in this eating plan is to be disciplined in order to see the results, since several mothers  consulted assured that with this method their babies managed to sleep through the night from the second month .


The first stools of the baby are very dark, between a greenish color and even black. This is called meconium   and has this appearance because it is made up of mucus and secretions that accumulated in the child’s intestine during its intrauterine development.

So when you see that the first time your child defecates, the diaper is covered by a dark slimy substance, you have nothing to worry about.

Your digestive cycle will also adjust with each passing hour. Some babies have two bowel movements a day, while others can go 48 hours without doing anything. To make sure that everything is going well, try to keep a notebook with the time when defecated  and share the details with your pediatrician when you take your child for their first checkups.

We insist that there are many basic care for a newborn. This time we wanted to focus on their basic needs, since they are the ones that most concern moms who strive to do an excellent job.

Don’t let the responsibilities of motherhood overwhelm you. Trust yourself and your abilities . We assure you that in the world there is no one better than you to take care of your baby.

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