Mother’s Feeding During Lactation

The nutritional status of the mother influences her health and that of her baby, both from before conception and during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Mother's feeding during breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is undoubtedly the best food for a newborn baby during its first months of life. But what about the mother? Many times, she arrives at childbirth with depleted nutritional reserves or with specific deficiencies, for example, iron. Therefore, it is important to take into account the mother’s diet during breastfeeding.

Effects of breastfeeding on the mother

The benefits of breastfeeding for the baby are known and widely recognized. However, it is also important to know the influence it has on the mother. Some benefits of breastfeeding in the mother are, among others:

  • Better postpartum recovery.
  • Decrease in postpartum uterine bleeding.
  • Decreased risk of postpartum depression.
  • Increased period of amenorrhea or absence of menstruation after delivery.
    It is important to know the diet that a woman should follow during breastfeeding.
  • Less weight gain in postpartum and even less weight.
  • Decreased risk of breast or ovarian cancer.
  • Decreased risk of other diseases, such as type 2 diabetes or rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Psychological benefits.

Mother’s feeding during breastfeeding

The nutritional status of the mother has an influence on her health and that of her baby, both from before conception, as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding. However, except in cases of extreme malnutrition or significant deficiencies, the quality of milk and its production are not usually excessively affected by this state.

However, it should not be forgotten that breast milk is a great nutritional source and often involves a significant loss of these nutrients for the mother. During breastfeeding, the woman should increase the intake of nutrients, although not in the same way for all of them.

For example, the fat content of milk depends on the mother’s diet. The same happens with water-soluble vitamins and vitamins A and D. However, the content of carbohydrates, proteins or some minerals, such as calcium or iron, does not depend so much on the mother’s diet.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that the percentage of energy provided by dietary fat should be greater than 20% of the total energy consumed. This is intended for a good absorption of essential fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins.

In short, the mother’s diet during lactation should not be very different from what she carried during pregnancy. Although the caloric recommendations depend a lot on each professional and the needs are different for each mother, in general, a diet with an average of 2700 Kcal per day is recommended.

Healthy eating of the mother during breastfeeding.

Is the consumption of nutritional supplements necessary?

As a general rule, the provision of specific nutritional supplements is not usually necessary to deal with breastfeeding. However, each particular case must be assessed. Many doctors recommend, for example, to continue with the intake of iodine, folic acid and vitamin B12 that was recommended in pregnancy.

In some cases, the administration of iron is necessary to recover what may have been lost during labor, for example, and to replenish the body’s stores. There are also specific nutritional supplements for this period of breastfeeding, similar to those that exist for pregnancy.


In short, the mother’s diet during lactation must follow a balanced diet. Quantity is not as important as quality.

The advice of a healthy diet should be followed. Among them are the consumption of fruits and vegetables, dairy, meat and fish, healthy fats and a minimum of 2 liters of water a day. Likewise, you should avoid, for example, the consumption of caffeine, alcohol, saturated fat, fish that may be contaminated, etc.

Benefits of breastfeeding for mother and child

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