My Child Speaks Alone, Should I Be Concerned?

My son talks to himself and he doesn’t seem normal to me! Many parents are concerned about this fact, which occurs frequently during childhood. How to respond to this situation?
My child talks to himself, should I be concerned?

It is quite normal for children to talk to themselves. This commonly happens when they are away from someone’s company. This is often thought to be bad, perhaps because the child is believed to be suffering from some problem or disorder. So if my child talks to himself, should I be concerned?

Talking alone can be a common behavior; Every person thinks out loud from time to time. In the case of children, this issue is more frequent, especially while they are playing. There are several reasons why they do it; Knowing them can help you know how to deal with the situation.

Why does my child speak alone?

When someone speaks alone, they think better. In fact, speaking out loud helps organize your thoughts, allowing you to make good decisions. In what situations could you do it? Basically, in these three: before taking an action, while you are doing it or after doing it.

Taking into account the above, when acquiring the ability to speak, the child uses it as a guide to behavior. This behavior is known as private speech , which denotes that the person has great intelligence and has the ability to analyze and understand matters.

There are many reasons why an infant can speak alone. The benefits of this behavior demonstrate how advantageous it is for their development.

What are the advantages of my child speaking to himself?

After the birth of their child, parents eagerly wait for him to begin to express himself. As you do, this can fill you with pride.

If my son speaks to himself, this can be a good sign of his maturation.

However, as time goes by, you may wonder about the possible positive consequences of this action. We explain them below:

  • If your child speaks only when playing, this allows him to stimulate the development of his language
  • Helps them be more effective:  By speaking out loud, they go over the steps they need to take and thereby succeed in their goal.
  • They need it to learn to reason:  In this way, logical thinking is developed in them.
  • His memory becomes more agile: When he goes from a thought to spoken language, the child manages to store the information better in his mind.
  • Express your feelings and emotions.
  • Helps you overcome challenges by better organizing your thoughts.
  • By expressing what you notice in your environment, you develop what is known as environmental awareness.

What is private speech or egocentric speech?

In short, private speech is synonymous with intelligence. If my son speaks to himself, it is because he is rehearsing how to think and do things, at the same time that he is developing his language. Collectively, these actions are also called ‘egocentric speech’.

Although it sounds strange, egocentric speech has nothing to do with something negative. Rather, it is one of the first forms of expression of the child.

First, they begin to speak out loud, which indicates that they are learning to think;  As your intelligence matures, so does your speech. This process results in better language, which allows you to develop cognitive ability.

There are different types of egocentric speech:

The repetition

It happens when a child repeats what he hears. When you hear others speak, you keep the words in your mind. Then he starts using them when he has his solo speeches.

The monologues

It consists of talking to yourself;  It usually happens when you are preparing for something. For example, for a game or an activity; This requires you to review the steps necessary to achieve your goal. You can hear phrases like “I need a car here, put this bridge later and then this toy there.”

Collective monologues

In these cases, he may speak by himself, but including other characters. He begins to tell something that happened to him, as if someone had asked him.

You must take this behavior calmly; Egocentric speech allows your child to learn to interact with others  and to understand well his surroundings and how to react to various situations.

Stereotyped movement disorder in children usually occurs in those with autism.

Up to what age do children speak alone?

This situation is normal in children, especially when they are 3 to 6 years old. Usually at that age they begin to face new situations, while developing their ability to communicate.

However, if my child talks to himself, when will he stop? While it is growing, it needs this resource; in this way he directs and orients himself.

Also, think about what you do, how you behave and get used to making decisions. However, as you get older, you will understand how to do these tasks and you will no longer need to speak out loud.

Therefore, the fact that your child speaks alone is not negative. Rather, this is necessary to acquire and develop new skills. In conclusion, you do not have to worry, as it is not a disorder or a problem in its development.

Children talking to themselves: is it a positive or a negative thing?

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